Astrological forecast for 2007

 The coming 2007 will bring an appreciable enhancement of the fire element, so should be a year of new leaders and new ideas. It is possible to plan bold and large-scale events, access to international markets, expansion of relations with other countries. Very important are the issues of education and cultural heritage, preservation of their own language and in languages ​​of other countries. Knowledge of this year will be at a premium, in addition shall prosper and tourism industry, the country may be flooded with tourist boom. However, not only you and I will be traveling abroad, but also in Russia itself can come a lot of new people. Will actively explore new territories, build new roads, recreational facilities, all of which will be done at the highest level of comfort. Authorities this year will be pleased with the townspeople landscaping, quality of life should dramatically increase, we can expect a boom in births.  

In general, this year due to the position of Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius we will rule the unbridled optimism, people will be inclined to adventures, unexpected travel, relocation, gambling decisions, but everything should be done within the law. Aspect of Jupiter and Uranus brings an abundance of innovative ideas and solutions, a breakthrough in space exploration, a new philosophy in world politics and in our private lives. People will actively respond to emerging opportunities and possibilities, constantly seek their fortune, update, home furnishings, appliances, cars, and receive additional education. This year brings the feeling of spring and freedom excites the minds of inspiring new perspectives, many of us are really happy and satisfied with their lives.

Thanks to compounds of uranium and Node of the Moon 2007 will be a time of spiritual awakening when it will be possible to understand its evolutionary task to overcome the barriers in the internal development, to join forces with other people, find friends around the world. Many of the children born this year will have a talent in astrology, mathematics, physics and other sciences universal. This year is very awakens intuition, so we will be able to find a clear and precise view about their future and the challenges facing us. People will be more courageous to make the changes, as will better understand their own desires, we will be very difficult to knock off their own path, and many will be able to find something that has long been looking for.

The most difficult months of the year will, as usual, eclipse period attributable to the March and September, in this unstable time is always the most momentous changes taking place. Major reshuffle and some stagnation in business will occur in February, June and October. In the early summer due to the reverse motion of Mercury in Cancer many will relocate, moving to a new office to deal with family and parental problems. July and August due to the reverse motion of Venus will be very difficult period for personal and partnerships, many unions at this time may collapse. In the second half of the year will cease to operate aspect of Saturn to Neptune, who brought us a lot of frustration in love and health problems, so after a very difficult August and September, we will be able to breathe freely. In the autumn of 2007, when Saturn moves into Virgo, will raise professional standards to all employees of the company will be stricter approach to the selection of personnel, licensing will be very important to have on hand all the necessary documents, passports, permission to apply for a job or do business. Dating, communication, patronage no longer play an important role in society, many will have to confirm their qualification. In October, together with a loop of Mercury we have to slow down and reconsider many contracts and partnerships, to upgrade its external relations, to abandon old companions, and determine the new.

At the end of the year stellar situation changes significantly, increases the effect of the earth element, there are signs of conservative tendencies. In November, Mars comes close to Earth, so we will be more difficult to control your instincts. As Mars in Cancer slowed it back to life many patriotic and national ideas that will cause a great stir in society. At this time could be exacerbated long-standing conflicts in the country, and for the people become highly relevant repair and permutations inside the house, exchange, sale, acquisition of land. In December Jupiter is connected with Pluto and then moves into Capricorn, so can happen important political changes, and ordinary people will have a chance to drop time in my life, the most fortunate can achieve fabulous success.

ARIES (21.03 - 20.04) New year increases your chances in various spheres of life, brings a lot of happy events - from replenishment in the family to distant and exotic trips. Aries can start a large study, to arrange a foreign tour, although it is not worth doing in March on the eve of his birthday. From mid-May to late June you can too hurry in their decisions, although at this time it will be possible to improve their sports and fitness, to begin a new cycle of operation. This year helps you to extend its influence to achieve more tangible results. In Aries may rise momentum in the business, you will be recognized for your creative success. In summer, many will have to solve the problems with the house, the land, the parents, and in the autumn to change partners in business. In the last eighteen months of the year, you can change all the equipment at home, change the nature and direction of the work, pay more attention to health.

TAURUS (21.04 - 20.05) Year for you to go through quite calmly, without any shocks. In February, there may be some rearrangements at work, there will be new goals in a career in personal plans will also be a significant update. The previous year was important enough for you, could bring a lot of new experiences and opportunities, so in 2007, you just need to gain a foothold in new frontiers. May not be excluded a small decline of health, but the end of June and July will be for many Taureans one of the most productive periods in the year, especially for work and self-affirmation. You will be able to dramatically increase their rates and deal with the most difficult problems. After that, you will find a very timely period of rest, because in August should not make acquisitions, communicating with people will be given easy, have something to remodel the house, and in general to look for a new value. With the arrival of autumn in life will be stable, you can improve your health, start implement some ideas close to you, who have long been waiting in the wings. 

GEMINI (21.05 - 21.06) For you, it will obviously not an ordinary year, which can bring a lot of happy events, positive change. Young couples can get married in the old alliances will be updating as well as new opportunities for social growth. You can pretty much travel, to discover new countries and horizons in science, art, communication. Success in work will come as if by themselves, you can do a lot of attractive offers, Gemini will gain popularity in high places. Only in March and September, it will be difficult to make decisions in these months are possible unexpected changes. In August, you will feel a great creative impulse, activates the work will be a lot trips around the country and abroad. You will be able to quickly learn new skills, join the friendly team, which is able to quickly achieve success. In the autumn the pace of life a little fall, you will have an additional responsibility at work or in the family, Gemini can take on a serious study. 

CANCER (22.06 - 22.07) In the first two months of the new year Cancers have to try to keep the situation under control, to avoid attacks from competitors and critics. Relax at this time you obviously should not be. In the future, the first half of the year does not promise specific problems, on the contrary, you will have additional support in the face of new friends and like-minded people, including from other countries. You will be able to advance in their education, take a nice trip to meet their cultural and spiritual needs. In May and June at work again have markedly activated, but the most important event of the year will take place all the same in the second half. On the border of June and July, you can briefly fall out of the normal rhythm of life due to some domestic and personal transformation. And at the end of the year, when your plate is firmly settle Mars have to pay more attention to health, and at the same time actively develop new areas of business. Some Cancers think about changing the machine can work his athletic form, at the same time continue to update household appliances, repairs and even moving to a new place. 

LEO (23.07 - 23.08) This year is very important for you for a variety of reasons. First, you will have more freedom and opportunity to implement their ideas. Even in December 2006 Lions feel the creative impulse, confidence and optimism, which will allow them to increase their earnings, making expensive purchase for the house and loved ones. You will no longer carry this year, especially against the background of previous years, there will be more trips, exclusive offers, perhaps more unexpected gifts and profit. It is not excluded and the replenishment of the family, so in the coming year you will have plenty of reasons for positive emotions. Of all the months of 2007, only February and August can bring some difficult circumstances or decline health and temporary apathy. In late summer, you can change many things in your life, change the image, hobbies, recreation. At this time the new environment that you will be comfortable to communicate in the future. By September, you can change the interior of the house, pick up the new staff at work, and boldly move forward, many old problems a thing of the past. 

VIRGO (24.08 - 23.09) 2007 will bring a lot of fresh trends in your life, many Virgos who recently sat on the ground, have to be actively involved in the life, to adapt to new realities and circumstances. However, nothing bad you do not expect, just a year will be very restless, rich in surprises and unexpected turns. In January-February, the Virgin feel the desire to travel, learn, meet new people, get to know other cultures. This may push you to get an education, job change, leave for another country, the new realities in communication with the outside world and loved ones. In March, the situation may result in the old and communication, but at the same time in your life to open new page. The boundary of the summer and autumn will also be a very important period in August, offers trips, rapid changes in career, working on a very interesting problems. September can go very smoothly, but in the fall and at the end of the year of Our become much more serious approach to all decisions and affairs, as well as their own health may be involved in long-term ambitious projects. 

LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10) This year, your business will grow quite rapidly, you can not build any grandiose plans, the fate she throws you right people, good projects that will bring and earnings, and an interesting experience. You should now see a lot of new friends in other countries, Libra will be able to improve relations with relatives, to find good advisers and intermediaries in the affairs of. This is a good year to buy more solid car, make an interesting trip, increase my knowledge in the humanities and in technical and professional fields. In the first half of the year, you can make changes in their personal lives and communication with loved ones, this topic will be particularly important for well-being and make the right decisions. Year may bring a few permutations on the job, for example, in February, June and October, from mid-May to June, you'll have to repel the attacks of enemies or to engage in not quite the usual work. In August will be very important issues of health and love relationships, the second half of the year will take place more easily than the first. At the end of the year will require more attention to parents, household chores or some fundamental projects in business. 

SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11) Against the background of the previous year, when you place a very important and rapid changes, this year will take place much more relaxed and balanced. You've probably been able to conquer new frontiers and are already familiar to them, you can now develop in this direction, to increase their knowledge gradually develop new areas of activity, aiming for a higher standard of living. Scorpio will become more experienced and confident in their actions, you can carry with good earnings and acquisitions. Year contributes to the successful solution of creative problems, making new friends, fuller disclosure of their talents. In February and March can be a new love meeting will change the financial and creative plans. In July, you will need to prove themselves particularly active in the work, learn some new areas of business and earnings. In August, it is better not to decide questions of personnel policy and love life, you will not find mutual understanding. In the second half of the year you need to avoid dubious offers, October will bring the most important changes in the personal development, image, work and social circle. 

SAGITTARIUS (23.11 - 21.12) This will definitely your year, one of the most memorable in recent years. It should bring a huge surge of optimism, a lot of successful change and events. You are big and unusual trip around the world, new discoveries in the field of intellectual, perhaps, study abroad or work in the international sphere. The family may have had children and grandchildren, you will boldly to change the circumstances of his personal life, and become happy with all the changes. This year you will do the most good suggestions for the development of the business, improving the social level, Sagittarius will acquaintance with influential people, before you open a lot of doors that never happens in other years. Therefore, in 2007, can not squander the opportunity, every opportunity should be used to the maximum benefit for themselves and their future. Now you have laid the base for the next 12 years, at the same time, may show the impact of events 2003-2004. This year you will have virtually no barriers, but in March should not be unduly perseverance, if something does not work. In August and September of criticism from the push you to significant rearrangements in work and life schedule. In late November, you will feel the new trends of the next year, and in the early and mid-December can play all in and catch the tail a lot of luck. 

CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01) Year will begin to have a very active. Perhaps the most serious results Capricorns can get it in the first two months, when you advance in work, can improve privacy and create a more powerful and solid image. However, at this time may be quite a lot of external impediments. Several unstable period is waiting for you at the beginning of spring, when it is not necessary to make important business decisions, but you can enrich your life with interesting ideas and acquaintances. Summer on the border of June and July you will have to review the business relationship more closely to discuss any problems in the marriage. Improving the stellar environment is expected in September or October, when you should dramatically improve the health and financial status, all the successes will become more stable and predictable. From mid-November will change the balance of power in your environment, will have to reckon with some people and adjust their plans. At the end of the year in December to visit you will welcome Jupiter, Capricorns will feel the growth of authority and self-confidence, become a reality for many such prospects, of which you've never dreamed of. 

AQUARIUS (21.01 - 20.02) Two-thirds of the year, from January to August, in Aquarius may continue past trends 2006, which is not in all respects was their best. May continue the decline of health, the average level of success in business and unexpected expenses. In February and March you expect major moves, and changes in the social circle can change the source of earnings and prioritize purchases. However, in March, you will have enough power to remind myself, and turn many situations in their favor, most importantly do not overextend, maintain good relations with people who do not make some kind of illness or injury. In general, this year's fate will support you in the most crucial moments. . . . 

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