
 Voshva - flap expensive fabrics (taffeta, velvet, Aksamitov) rectangular or oval shape, which in pre-Petrine sewn as decoration in the clothing of the other tissue. The name comes from the word "sew". Voshva contrasted with clothes texture and color, decorated with gold, silver or silk embroidery, pearls, drobnitsami (metal plates), gems and ...
 Voshva - flap expensive fabrics (taffeta, velvet, Aksamitov) rectangular or oval shape, which in pre-Petrine sewn as decoration in the clothing of the other tissue. The name comes from the word "sew". Voshva contrasted with clothes texture and color, decorated with gold, silver or silk embroidery, pearls, drobnitsami (metal plates), gems and precious stones. Voshva usually sewn into the sleeves of annuals, rospashnitsy etc.