
 Tricorne (fr. Tricorne, Eng. Cocked hat) - hat with a brim curved in such a way as to obtain the three angles. Hence the name. This headpiece was distributed in the middle of XVII - the end of the XVIII century, and was later replaced by bicorne hat. Wide-brimmed hats, common in the early XVII century in Western Europe, prevented ...
 Tricorne (fr. Tricorne, Eng. Cocked hat) - hat with a brim curved in such a way as to obtain the three angles. Hence the name. This headpiece was distributed in the middle of XVII - the end of the XVIII century, and was later replaced by bicorne hat. Wide-brimmed hats, common in the early XVII century in Western Europe, prevented the soldiers throw back his head and were a hindrance if the shoulder lay a gun. Gradually field wrapped - so there was a progressive style. During the reign of Louis XIV cocked hat worn only in the army, but soon this fashion was picked up and civilians. These hats were huge fields, richly decorated with feathers and lace. They gradually decrease in size, became more decorative. Cocked hat worn as long as the fashion was not included allonge - bulky wig. For some time, these hats were used as accessories: Knights kept them in hand or under the elbow.