"Pink Ribbon" Estee Lauder: anniversary and new collection

 Already exactly 20 years Estée Lauder struggling with breast cancer - in 1992, the company's founder, Evelyn Lauder, the first to offer a charity event and created the famous character - a pink ribbon. She was among the first who began to boldly speak out about breast cancer and encourage all women regularly conduct surveys to catch to prevent the disease. 2012 declared as the year of Evelyn Lauder.

William Lauder, Executive Chairman of Directors of Estée Lauder, with great honor belongs to the celebration of the anniversary events, created by his mother, and thanks all those who worked with her and struggled with cancer. Over the years really made a significant breakthrough, at least because women are no longer afraid to talk about cancer and began on time and regularly surveyed, which significantly reduces the risk of disease.

On the occasion of the anniversary of Tom Pesho, chief makeup artist Estée Lauder, has prepared a special collection of cosmetics Dream Lip Collection - it includes lip gloss, lipstick and powder in a stylish pink clutch-beautician. Will also be released as a traditional decorated pink ribbon and a special edition of serum Perfectionist CP + R with a pendant in the form of heart. 20% of the sales of the new series will be transferred to the research center of the fight against breast cancer.

"Pink Ribbon" Estee Lauder: anniversary and new collection