
 Mitten - is connected from yarn or sewn from a suitable material for thermal insulation cover of the hand. Gloves can be used not only for warming, but also to protect your hands from dirt and dust. In contrast to the glove, where each finger has its place in the mitten just two branches. One compartment ...
 Mitten - is connected from yarn or sewn from a suitable material for thermal insulation cover of the hand. Gloves can be used not only for warming, but also to protect your hands from dirt and dust.

In contrast to the glove, where each finger has its place in the mitten just two branches. One compartment looks like a fingertip, and is intended for the thumb, and the second, the oval, the separation - for all other fingers.

Mittens came to us from ancient Russia, where they were indispensable piece of clothing for the peasants. Everyday mittens were plain, festive decorated with various ornaments. Men are often used for mittens to protect hands. To do this, on top of knitted mittens worn sewn from cloth or related horsehair gloves. Nobles adopted this garment from the peasants. Their gloves were sewn fur, leather and richly decorated.

Mittens today - is not only cute and unusual accessory for any fashionable girl, but also an indispensable piece of clothing for many winter sports.