
 The term "fancy" in the modern Russian language has two meanings. Under embroidered shirt or dress refers to the relevant articles of clothing, richly decorated with embroidery, lace and so on. N. This is - the most common value. Decorate clothing, lingerie, accessories men sought in ancient times. Different people used to do different kinds of ...
 The term "fancy" in the modern Russian language has two meanings. Under embroidered shirt or dress refers to the relevant articles of clothing, richly decorated with embroidery, lace and so on. N. This is - the most common value.

Decorate clothing, lingerie, accessories men sought in ancient times. Different people used to do different kinds of embroidery. Many of them have survived to the present day. Clothes in the folk style often decorated with ornaments, made simple and Bulgarian cross, various kinds of waste, decorative seams. Applied and other materials - crystals, beads, pearls.

Embroidery can be a hallmark of the representative of a particular social group. Embroidered livery footmen or Switzerland indicated, in which house he serves. Embroidered uniforms were talking about an officer belonging to a particular military unit.

The term "fancy" has another meaning. It is used in sewing technology and other industries for product identification, ripped up point.