
 Ennen, ennen or Gennin - high female headdress popular among European noble ladies in the XV century. This headpiece in the shape of a cone or truncated cone was made of starched linen, light wire mesh or stiff paper and upholstered with expensive fabrics. By ennenu fastened veil, which could cover the face and ...
 Ennen, ennen or Gennin - high female headdress popular among European noble ladies in the XV century. This headpiece in the shape of a cone or truncated cone was made of starched linen, light wire mesh or stiff paper and upholstered with expensive fabrics. By ennenu fastened veil, which could cover the face, and in some cases this headgear supplemented tissue train. Ennena height could reach 90 centimeters, which forced him to squat bearer at the entrance to the room. It is believed that the fashion for wearing this headdress introduced Isabella of Bavaria, wife of the French King Charles VI. She is also credited with the spread of the custom to shave the hair out from under ennena forehead.