
 Stole - a fragment of liturgical vestments deacons and subdeacons of different Christian denominations. Is a long, narrow strip, made of colored cloth, tied crosswise over his chest. Worn over the alb. There are several versions of the emergence of the term. The first is that it comes from the Latin «orare» (pray), second - from the Greek «ωρα» (time) on the third ...
 Stole - a fragment of liturgical vestments deacons and subdeacons of different Christian denominations. Is a long, narrow strip, made of colored cloth, tied crosswise over his chest. Worn over the alb. There are several versions of the emergence of the term. The first is that it comes from the Latin «orare» (pray), second - from the Greek «ωρα» (time) on the third - from the Latin word «os» (mouth). For the church stole symbolizes two things: the wings of angels, because angels carrying God's service, and the service times are, as originally deacons assisted with meals and keep order and distribution needs of the poor believers.