
 Gennin, ennen or ennen - high cone-shaped headdress for women, popular in Europe during the late Middle Ages. The first surviving mention of it is found in the chronicles relating to 1428. Gennin frame represented in the form of a cone or a truncated cone made of baleen starched linen, paper or stiff metal wire, ...
 Gennin, ennen or ennen - high cone-shaped headdress for women, popular in Europe during the late Middle Ages. The first surviving mention of it is found in the chronicles relating to 1428. Gennin is a skeleton in the form of a cone or truncated cone made of whalebone, starched cloth, stiff paper or metal wire, covered with silk or other rich fabrics. To the top of the cone was attached veil that completely or partially cover the face or thrown back. In some cases, completely covered veil headdress. Gennin height varied from 30 to 90 centimeters.