English Costume

English Costume
 English suit - the general name for a strict business suit, both male and female. Initially there was a male version - in the XVIII century, as opposed to fanciful French fashion British tailors have tried to create a classic, simple and convenient model of male attire. At first they were riding clothes and represented cloth ...
 English suit - the general name for a strict business suit, both male and female. Initially there was a male version - in the XVIII century, as opposed to fanciful French fashion British tailors have tried to create a classic, simple and convenient model of male attire. At first they were riding clothes and represented a cloth coat, pants and high boots with cuffs. Under the influence of the suit appeared and female version, which consisted of a straight skirt and jacket. Styles change over time, but the rigor, conciseness and costume models, and in the choice of fabrics and colors remained unchanged.

Modern English male costume has several distinctive features. Firstly, it is beveled shoulder line - used either small shoulder pads, or none at all cost. Second, several pritalen jacket, however, is suitable for men of any build, elegant curves facilitates figures. English suit trousers have a high land, often supplemented by suspenders. The suit is like a vest, and without it. Female costume still implies a direct skirt with a fold or not, but now allows some additions in the form of a blouse or top.