
 Ceadir (chadar, veil) - a veil for women ethnic Baluchis. It's the tribes that populate alpine plateau in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Oman. Ceadir is made of light-colored calico large blanket. Ceadir cut out a semicircle, and the length of it reaches the ground. They are usually beautifully decorated, embroidered. Decoration curtain became a popular destination ...
 Ceadir (chadar, veil) - a veil for women ethnic Baluchis. It's the tribes that populate alpine plateau in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Oman. Ceadir is made of light-colored calico large blanket. Ceadir cut out a semicircle, and the length of it reaches the ground. They are usually beautifully decorated, embroidered. Decoration curtain has become a popular area of ​​arts and crafts. Ceadir use modern women Baloch to visit mosques and special occasions.