
 Leggings - a special kind of shoes without soles, ranging in length from a foot to the knee, with a buckle on the outside of the leg. The term comes from the name of the city Gardamash in Tripoli, which produced a special type of skin. In the Russian language, this word came from the French. However, there are leggings long before their modern names ....
 Leggings - a special kind of shoes without soles, ranging in length from a foot to the knee, with a buckle on the outside of the leg. The term comes from the name of the city Gardamash in Tripoli, which produced a special type of skin. In the Russian language, this word came from the French. However, there are leggings, long before their current name. These leather accessories used legionaries and gladiators of ancient Rome to protect the legs during the battle. In the armies of Britain, France and the United States legwarmers with boots boots replaced. Now leggings are made from leather, knitwear, synthetic fabrics. They are widely used in sporting equipment, and as a decorative element in the garment.