Fiber - a material that consists of not spun yarns. The fibers are natural and synthetic. By natural fibers are vegetable (jute, flax, hemp, cotton), animal (hair, wool) and mineral fibers (asbestos). They are formed during the life of organisms or geological processes. Synthetic fibers are generally - petrochemical derivatives (polyester, nylon, polyethylene), some made from natural cellulose (viscose, lyocell), or minerals (fiberglass, carbon fiber, metal fiber). Synthetic fibers are significantly lower natural, so they are widely used in industry.
Fiber - a material that consists of not spun yarns. The fibers are natural and synthetic. By natural fibers are vegetable (jute, flax, hemp, cotton), animal (hair, wool) and mineral fibers (asbestos). They are formed during the life of organisms or geological processes. Synthetic fibers are generally - petrochemical derivatives (polyester, nylon, polyethylene), ...