
 Perlon - a second name polycaprolactam - polymer to form a synthetic polyamide fibers. Polycaprolactam first synthesized Paul Slag (It. Paul Schlack) in 1938 in Germany. He worked for I.G. Farben. In 1943, the Germans established industrial production of polycaprolactam, releasing about 3, 5 thousand. Tons of fiber per year. In ...
 Perlon - a second name polycaprolactam - polymer to form a synthetic polyamide fibers. Polycaprolactam first synthesized Paul Slag (It. Paul Schlack) in 1938 in Germany. He worked for I.G. Farben. In 1943, the Germans established industrial production of polycaprolactam, releasing about 3, 5 thousand. Tons of fiber per year. The raw materials used are phenol. The first time in Germany to roughly capron fiber used to make synthetic bristles. Then, based on polikaprolaktamovyh began to produce rayon, towing ropes and cords for aircraft tires. The first production of polycaprolactam in our country was established in 1948.