Multispectral tissue lining

Multispectral tissue lining
 Multispectral tissue lining (MAT) - type interlining fabrics coated sopoliamidnym point. MAT canvas is divided into several zones, which are combined in rapport in the warp direction or the weft. The zones vary in composition, weave have different thickness, density, width. The main characteristic of each of them is the stiffness. As a rule, the three zones: soft, semi-rigid ...
 Multispectral tissue lining (MAT) - type interlining fabrics coated sopoliamidnym point. MAT canvas is divided into several zones, which are combined in rapport in the warp direction or the weft. The zones vary in composition, weave have different thickness, density, width. The main characteristic of each of them is the stiffness. As a rule, the three zones: soft, semi-rigid (transition) and rigid. The raw material composition of the MAT heterogeneous, it includes various fibers (wool, cotton, viscose), natural and synthetic fibers.

MMT is widely used in the textile industry to create a duplicate pads individual components of the product. Different parts are selected zones with different stiffness: for example, when sewing a jacket rigid zone doubles the shoulder, and soft - shelves. Multispectral lining fabric make individual elements of the textile dimensional stability and avoids the use of laminated shims, which reduce the quality of consumer products.