Mulinirovannaya fabric

Mulinirovannaya fabric
 Mulinirovannaya fabric - fabric woven of twisted yarn, two-color or multi-color. Outer fabric reminds melange, but mulinirovannye fabrics are made of yarn of different fiber composition on. For example, wool thread can weave with cotton, linen or rayon. The combination of yarns, different in structure and color, gives the finished fabric variegated coloring and a little ...
 Mulinirovannaya fabric - fabric woven of twisted yarn, two-color or multi-color. Outer fabric reminds melange, but mulinirovannye fabrics are made of yarn of different fiber composition on. For example, wool thread can weave with cotton, linen or rayon. The combination of yarns differing in structure and color, gives the finished fabric variegated coloring and slightly rough surface, which may be either a shiny or matt. Mulinirovannye go to sewing fabric top and light clothing and accessories. Typically, such matter shall be dry cleaned.