Classic fabrics

Classic fabrics
 Classic fabrics - matter, for many years produced in intact and in constant demand. Most classic fabrics made from natural fibers - silk, wool, cotton, linen. By the classical group includes calico, Madapolam, calico, teak, satin, cloth, koverkot, tights, cashmere, a variety of crepes, drapes, linen and other matter. Some ...
 Classic fabrics - matter, for many years produced in intact and in constant demand. Most classic fabrics made from natural fibers - silk, wool, cotton, linen. By the classical group includes calico, Madapolam, calico, teak, satin, cloth, koverkot, tights, cashmere, a variety of crepes, drapes, linen and other matter. Some artificial tissue - for example, a staple - are also included in this category. From classic materials sew various clothes and accessories, bed and table linen, as well as elements of the interior (decorative pillows, drapes).