Reasons for failure in fitness

 Does it ever happen that we fail in that deal? All the time, and fitness - is no exception. Of course, there are excuses. "I unimportant genetic data - hard to justify you. - I had never touched a sports pharmacology, too time consuming job, you are not near a suitable gym "- in these or about these justifications find solace thousands involved in fitness.

Could never really had a desire to find out, and why your attempts to mold yourself from muscular handsome still been a fiasco?

Does it ever happen that we fail in that deal? All the time, and fitness - is no exception. Of course, there are excuses. "I unimportant genetic data - hard to justify you. - I had never touched a sports pharmacology, too time consuming job, you are not near a suitable gym "- in these or about these justifications find solace thousands involved in fitness. And really never had a desire to really figure out, and why your attempts to mold yourself from muscular handsome still been a fiasco? The real causes of your failures are not so much - about a dozen. Let's look at them.

Lack of training intensity

This is very important: Do you go out of the room, as follows propotev or on your forehead did not have time to make even a slight perspiration. Are you sure that trained with the optimal weights and did exactly as long as necessary, sets and reps? Often engaged in work in the hall fold due to the fact that the weight of the shells begin to seem them too heavy. Or due to accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles in them an unpleasant burning sensation, which is also seen by many as a signal to a release. In this case, ask any of the involved and he, without batting an eye, he replied that trains the last effort. You must realize that being in the room, you have to destroy your body, exposing it to heavy loads, so that later, at home, it was restored, gathering new muscles. The human body is arranged in such a way that fairly quickly adapts to any load. That is why it is so important to keep his "surprise". Try to increase the operating weight. Or to work with the same weights, but faster. Or permanently change the order of movements performed. This - the key to success, the key to progress. 

Lack of variation

This is exactly what we just talked about. Often we make the same set of exercises for months and even years. And okay, if it was the result of. So after all is not it! But we still continue with the tenacity of a maniac to do the same bench press. Opt Out? Impossible! Unthinkable not grow breasts! - So after all and so it is not growing! - Yes I Do? Strange ... I'm sure in your room, you guys met, quite muscular and strong, which is just train this way, performing the same thing hundreds of times in a row. You can guess with my eyes closed, what makes or will make one of these guys at any moment of time. Yes, guys look great, but is it worth to imitate them? And you did not pay attention to the fact that more and more they become a very long time? Here that's the whole point. Constant changes - that's what your body needs. Conducted training with the approaches of six repetitions - next time do fifteen. Last workout back did thrust rod in the slope and pull-ups - the next time replace the barbell on the dumbbell, and the bar - on the block machine. Try training complex on the neighbor down the hall - too bad helps. 


Train in the hall like much, but try to organize your diet - not for everyone. It's clear why: the case is not too simple, requires a special mood and iron discipline. Judge for yourself: you need to provide your body with all the necessary material for muscle growth, and this - about two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight and 30-40 kilocalories per kilogram of the same. And eat those calories and grams must not convenient for you - at night, lying in front of TV, as do many, and during the day - at intervals of two to three hours. And to achieve this we need often glances at the clock to take care of ahead of time that all the necessary food was prepared in a timely manner and expanded in the container to which you'll have to go. Not too attractive picture, right? Moreover, the calories that you should absorb during the day, should be recruited from high-quality health food. Most chocolate contains about 500-600 calories, but it does not mean that, throwing a five or six tiles, you will become muscular. Quite the contrary - thick, but with small muscles. And all because in chocolate do not have those substances that nourish and build muscle, but more than enough of that from which growing belly. Errors in the diet can undo the results of even the most remarkable training. If you will be working on relief and at the same time, "throws" all the same chocolate, you are unlikely to lose weight. And hardly become massive if keep yourself on a starvation diet. Diet - a head!

Wrong selection of exercises

Even if you are involved with a truly cosmic intensity, all your work can go to the dogs if the selection of exercises would be wrong. And we are not talking about some secret technology. Everyone has long known that the best mass building basic exercises: bench press, squats, pull the bar to the belt, pull-ups on the bar, the bar presses or dumbbell sitting and so on. By the way, these exercises are not so many, but the returns are significant, and all because the basic movements involved in the work several muscle groups, allowing you to pick up a decent encumbrances, increasing stress on the whole body, and these muscles in particular. And what we see, once we cross the threshold of almost any fitness center? Visitors, as if by agreement, grab the handle and block machine simulators, as if for their basic movements does not exist. The reason is clear: to perform isolation exercises such as leg extensions on the simulator or information on the hands in front of chest rope machine is much easier than to persist under the heavy barbell. However, this is the recipe for muscle growth, you need to do is base!

Lack of sleep

Man grows in a dream. If you do not believe me - look at the little children that when in the first months of life little man doubled his weight, he sleeps for twenty hours a day! An average adult is usually enough six to eight hours of sleep a night, but serious fitness - a special case. As a result of resistance training are stressed not only the muscles, but also nervous and lymphatic system. That they have successfully recovered from stress, need extra sleep. Ideally, it is not less than eight hours of sleep a night, plus an afternoon nap for an hour. Sure, you can argue that you have no time to sleep at night, but in this case I suggest you remember how much time you spend in front of the TV or at a party, and try to understand for themselves, and that the same for you, in fact, more important. If you want to look good and feel energetic and cheerful - sleep longer. 


More - not always better. This rule applies to fitness. If you spend hours toiling in the gym - do not wait for good: instead of increasing in size, your muscles at one point start to cringe. Among us there are genetically gifted people who can train hard and long. In no case do not need them to be, "What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed a bull". And if you hit the gym for more than two days in a row, it is likely to overtrain. The same can be said if an individual workout you are doing more than three to five exercises four or five approaches in each. And if your employment in a hall delayed for more than a half hour, it too could face serious trouble. Did I mention that grow something you are not training, but at home, so excessive zeal in the hall - does not need it. And do not reach for the pros, which is not a secret, often are prohibited pharmacology. It is clear that, making a hard training schedule, you are guided by engulfing you enthusiastic, but try to look at the problem from the point of view of common sense. Conduct an experiment: allow yourself to relax a couple of days of training, and then said in the hall. I am sure that you will look and feel much better. 

Nicotine and alcohol abuse

I can not force you not to drink or smoke, you must decide for yourself whether you want it or not. I just want to note that bad habits are really hinder you in achieving sports results. Well, pray tell, how can properly train people if his head was bursting with a hangover and he barely moves his feet? Both alcohol and nicotine interfere fully recover after exercise. Nicotine is a problem of the respiratory tract, thereby making the resilient body is less, which reduces the performance training. Alcohol also received large amounts, generally gradually destroys the liver - the body which plays an important role in the synthesis of muscle tissue. Many smokers and smokers to justify their addiction because, they say, it lowers your appetite. However, something I had not noticed that these comrades firmly sitting on a diet consisting of chicken breasts, rice and vegetables. In short, if you are keen to improve their appearance and feel, I advise you to give up bad habits. 

Excessive sociability in training

In any fitness center, greets visitors, which can be safely called the club favorites. With their individual does not leave a smile, they long can chat on various topics with everyone, and so on. What can I say? If your goal is to become one of these pets, you can behave. But if you intend to train seriously, it is better not to do it. Of course, I do not call with no one to greet. But the friendliness and excessive sociability - not the same thing. You must teach others to the fact that you - a serious man who should not be distracted. After graduating classes communicate as much as you want, but in training - no, no. You may ask: What's so criminal? Well, were transferred to the break between sets a few words ... what? You see, resting too long between sets, you cool down. Cooled muscles are not able to develop a limit force, moreover, are more prone to injury. A too prolonged exercise - it is generally something not very productive, does not work as well - a pastime. Of course, you can use the fitness center and to this end. But in this case the achievement of a more or less decent results is better to forget. 

Chronic injury

Chronic injuries, that is, those lesions that can not be cured until the end, will undoubtedly deter your progress. To train at full capacity, you should have a perfectly healthy knees, elbows, lower back and shoulder joints. Many of them do not have engaged in, and blame themselves: instead of in a timely manner to see a specialist, they prefer to rely on "maybe" or pretend that nothing serious happened. Some even try to train through the pain or on painkillers. Definitely, that in such circumstances fruitfully engage very difficult here - often dire results. This is similar to driving a car: you feel that the car is something wrong, but continues to move. As a result, the car breaks down capitally. Realize that almost any damage can be cured if to do this time and under the guidance of an experienced physician. 


If you do not believe in what you can get results, then you are unlikely anything will help. Without faith in their own strength, any training will come to nothing. And chase away those who are overly zealous starts you criticize. You should feel capable of more, but it will encourage you to move forward.

If you day after day, week after week, month after month, will work in good faith on yourself - the result is sure to come. And the only one who can stop you in this - is you. Do not forget about it.

Tags: failure, fitness