Five steps to an ideal: Samantha

 You've always wanted to be like Samantha Jones? On the pages of women's magazine JustLady step by step instructions that will help you make the dream a reality.

Step 1. Work out

The best option - fitness with a personal trainer. Prettier than the coach, will be more productive employment. But seriously, it focuses on exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest.

1. Starting position: standing. Upward palms joined in front of chest. Within 6 seconds with a force presses his hands together, then - 4 seconds of relaxation, and repeat. Perform the exercise 10-15 times. To enhance the effect, you can squeeze between the palms a little tight ball or a special gripper. After this exercise is useful to make four flapping his arms back and forth.

2. Starting position: lying on his back. Legs straight, arms extended over your head. About half a minute with a force pulling the hands and feet along the floor, as if you are pulling for him tied to invisible rope. Then, without lifting his head and back from the floor, bend your knees, hugging her knees and push them towards your chest - in this position, try to lie 20 seconds. Do 5-6 repetitions.

3. Exercise with expanders. Starting position: standing. Feet shoulder width apart, expander - keep ahead. Privstan on your toes and slowly divorce arms to the side, stretching expander. Do 8-12 repetitions.

Step 2. Eat wisely

Maintain a perfect figure and sexy tone will help a special diet. Ladies, leading an active love life, sexologists advise to bet on vegetables, herbs (especially celery, parsley, dill), fruits, rice, pasta from durum wheat and dry red wine (no more glasses a day!).

Other alcoholic beverages is better to refuse. As to confectionery products. Pamper yourself eclairs and cakes can be only on holidays. A diet composed of the following vegetables is beneficial to the hormonal background of the organism, as a result - you will feel great, regardless of the day of your menstrual cycle.

In addition, lean on honey. Naturopaths believe that for the maintenance and development of sexuality any girl need apitherapy (treatment with honey). Take 2-3 teaspoons of honey a day. Course - 30 days.

Step 3. Observe mode

If you, like Samantha, - an owl, then ideally you need to wake up when the sun at its zenith. But if because of circumstances you have to climb the crack of dawn, morning awakening will help facilitate the following tips:

1. Get into "soft" alarm clock: it should not sound near as well in the next room. And if you happen to be in Japan, there is necessarily buy an alarm clock that at the right time makes a scent of a flower. Gradually growing smell wake rather than a sharp signal.

2.Set at the electronic alarm (or an alarm clock that is in your mobile phone) favorite tune (slow and gentle), and let it wakes you in the morning.

3. Once awake, get up immediately - do not go on about their own weaknesses, not invent excuses like "even lie down and get up a minute." Get up and go into the shower. In an ideal - a contrast (and invigorates, and prevention of cellulite).

4. Prepare yourself "energy" drink (honey and half a lemon in a glass of hot green tea).

5. Light aroma lamp. Essential oil of pine shoots good morning stress, and citrus oil - uplifting.

Step 4. Take care of the skin

If you love to do expressive makeup, and do not forget about cleansing the skin.

1. Be sure to clean skin twice a day - morning and evening.

2. Do not use soap to cleanse the skin: with time soap can dry and destroy the lipid film, which protects the face from harmful bacteria.

3. Always use warm water. Hot water dries the skin, and cold - can not dissolve the grime.

4. Not three face too much. Excessive rubbing stretch the skin (especially delicate - around the eyes), will cause irritation and the appearance of premature wrinkles.

5. Immediately after washing, wipe the skin tonic and apply on face moisturizer to keep the skin moisture and provide nutrients at a time when it is particularly susceptible.

Step 5: Turn to vumbildingom

Reputation sex bomb assigned to Samantha for a reason. She loves sex and knows a lot about it. Do you want to keep yourself in a great form of sexual - Get vumbildingom (only pre consult your gynecologist!).

The most simple exercises you can do at home:

1. Tighten the muscles of the vagina and slowly count to three. Relax. Will be a bit more complicated if, while holding the muscles to keep them in this position for 5-20 seconds, then slowly relax.

2. Stiffened and relax the muscles several times as quickly as possible.

3. Imagine that you have a small ball inside the vagina and try to push it.

Start training with ten slow contractions, abbreviations and ten ten ejection five times a day. A week later increase it to fifteen, while continuing to exercise five times a day

Tags: ideal