Fitness as a Lifestyle

 The assertion that fitness - is "completely empty pastime", and if it really wants to move, it is best to do some "real sport" - is not new. Such attacks skeptical towards any fitness at the time of its occurrence, and disappear, most likely, at the time when fitness will leave our lives. Meanwhile, fitness fans argue that it is only possible, the most natural and normal life form.

"TRP" wellness

It is considered that the Russian-speaking the word "fitness" closest to very close to us the concept of "exercise." The only difference is that fitness - it is more rigid and structured system. And for those who want to seriously address the fitness, you must pass a special test to determine the state of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, check the muscle elasticity and joint mobility, as well as body composition: the ratio of fat and lean tissue (muscles, bones, tendons, , connective tissue). All of these "measurements" are very similar to GTO norms that come once to take Soviet schoolchildren. Only instead of "Ready for Labor and Defense" fitness testing reveals how physically developed people and "ready for work and active, rich and interesting life."

It's no secret that modern man eats as much as his ancestors, and moves much less (in a recent article "Cosmetics and Perfumery" We discussed this problem with registered dietitians). And since our body is created by nature for active movement, you will receive less programmed, it begins to "suffer." First, we do not notice (or rather, try not to notice). Understanding "of the error" comes only when unrealized function of the body goes into a disease. Under the laws of psychosomatic medicine (science about the interaction of body and soul), a person becomes ill when he can do something, but does not do it for some reason (fear, laziness, systems and so on.). Besides fitness helps balance the triad of "physical condition - intelligence - the spirit." After all, if one of the components is vulnerable, then the others also begin to weaken.

Fitness - it's not just physical exercise. It is a lifestyle that includes an appropriate power supply system, avoiding harmful habits, in short, careful and thoughtful attitude towards their health and appearance. No wonder for determining fitness often use the phrase "positive health".

And this concept of fitness is approaching another direction, which has recently appeared in our country - «Wellness». However, to equate the two terms are not. Because in addition to health and fitness adherents of «Wellness» strive to achieve more mental and social equilibrium. As explained by the director of the Academy «Wellness» Larisa Podhalyuzina, the balance between mind and body is achieved by a combination of physical and mental training (which means "the deliberate execution of each movement, complete control of the body and muscles in the process of its implementation"). But some training is not enough. In order to get closer to harmony, you need to change your whole "social behavior", which includes, for example, such an item as "related to family, friends and colleagues."

Where to go?

In general fitness can be practiced at home (in the country, in the park, etc.). But for this you need to, firstly, the rigid self-discipline. Secondly, comfortable and spacious place to study. Thirdly, the special literature, which have to learn on their own.

The most optimum variant - of course, go to a fitness club. Not necessarily in the fashionable and expensive: with pool and sauna, hot tub, beautiful interior ... All these "pleasantness" of course, can greatly facilitate your way to "positive health". But in principle, they are not so important compared to your inner burning desire "to be in shape." In the local "areas" can certainly find gym and professional instructors, and friendly atmosphere, bright and spacious rooms for classes.

Choosing a club, it is better to rely on the opinions of those who have already engaged in it - not too lazy to make a small "opinion poll", before going to the class. In addition, almost every club has its own "recognized authorities" among instructors, so that at the same time you also prompt who exercises are particularly effective and, more importantly, in the fiery emotional atmosphere.

Choosing a leader!

In general, the choice of the coach - it is no less important issue than the choice of the club. It is better if a person with special education, a true professional in their field, which will not only tell you how to do the exercises correctly, to breathe, to protect themselves from injury, but also attend to you as an individual unique and unrepeatable, recommend especially effective for you exercises will give individual advice on nutrition.

"Is your coach, you can feel on the sensations in the classroom: Are you comfortable with how physically and emotionally ... and more competent instructor will always be able to explain why exercise should be carried out exactly the way they do. I had to meet coaches who looked great, good move, but it is not understood in those programs that were they just automatically memorized movements without understanding them. This should not be ", - said Mikhail Ivlev, president of the Association of Russian sports aerobics.

And, of course, the most important thing: the coach must have charisma, to be able to lead the group. But it is in any case not to press, but rather to inspire his own example and charge their positive energy.

Fitness and shaping - the main thing is not to confuse!

Although the number of fans of fitness every year is growing exponentially, many people still believe that fitness - it's something like employment by shaping. In fact, fitness - it is very three-dimensional concept. He includes jogging, swimming, aerobics, training in the gym ... And even walking in the fresh air - it is also a kind of fitness. But as for shaping, it is just what is a form of fitness. I would not want to disappoint fans of shaping, but working on the article, this writer learned about this once very popular system, a lot of interesting and controversial.

According to the chairman of the Association of fitness professionals Dmitry Kalashnikov, "Shaping - this is the most malicious system created by ambitious people to make money." Agrees with this opinion and Michael Ivlev, president of the Association of sports aerobics Russia, which emphasizes that in this system of exercises "have been violated all forms of professional attitude to man."

However, some clubs still use the name "shaping". But, fortunately, he "shaping" has changed beyond recognition. Basically now remains of it only the name, which by virtue of its former popularity and recognition are often used in clubs. Now it can include both classic aerobics, Callanetics and elements, and cardio. Although, as recognized by our experts, shaping still left "a black mark." And, according to Dmitry Kalashnikov, is primarily dietary recommendations.

Does fitness lose weight?

To be honest, many of us are not even up to the couch, if not this the strongest motivation - to lose weight. And not just to lose weight and improve the shape, not simply transformed "for the summer season", and constantly look toned and slender ...

An hour of intense exercise we lose about 300 calories. Given that one day a person consumes about 2000-2500 calories, it's not such a big weight loss. Rather very small. But fitness help to significantly speed up the metabolic processes in the body. This means that it is much better absorbed useful products, and will split is not very useful. But the "measure" the effectiveness of lessons on the scale is not necessary. Because, despite the decrease in the volume, weight just can not change. This does not mean that you are not lost weight, muscle is heavier than fat just.

Those who are set to global changes, sometimes recommend a day of school "not have two hours before class two hours - after, and in general in the day as possible to eat less". According to our authoritative interlocutors, this is just the echoes of shaping. Particular anger gives them recommendations "do not have protein foods" in the day of class. The fact is that strength training depletes energy, in particular, breaks our protein reserves. But if we do not give the body protein foods, does this mean that he will refuse from it? Not at all. To close the opened "holes" in the amino acids, the body will take them from other muscles. For example, the musculature of the internal organs, to replenish the protein can be used even lymphocytes. In addition, receiving a signal that "somewhere in the body was the situation with the lack of food," our body is mobilized to at the first meal to start harvest reserves for future use. So diet - it is, paradoxically, a way to excess weight. Torture yourself malnutrition daily workout is not necessary. Better to use a fractional power - about 5 times a day. If in doubt about choosing products, remember that there is, albeit not as "fashionable", but not tested in one generation the classic concept of "healthy eating".

So, the main advice on fitness nutrition look like this:

Before training:
gorge just before the start of classes, of course, is not: jump and run will be uncomfortable. But the move "on an empty stomach" too easy not strong enough to spend those same 300 calories, and self-employment will become a real torture. Ideal to eat something light for 2 hours before the start of classes (you can even for a half and hour). You can even 5 minutes to eat something nutritious and easily digestible (eg, banana).

simple non-carbonated water or mineral water (but only if you really want to drink!).

Eat protein and carbohydrates in the first 30-50 minutes after your workout. all the calories will be used for replenishment of glycogen and fat can not be postponed.

Fans addicts

If you are still hard to think about what will happen to you in the fitness club, but in principle you are almost on the verge of "a new beginning", imagine that in a month or two you will not even go and fly to fitness club! On holiday! With the same joy as you usually fly to the table laden with delicious dishes. Because fitness and agree almost all who practice it, is addictive. Firstly, during sports release serotonin, which is known to be "the hormone of happiness." Secondly, if you are engaged in a group, you give in so-called "contagion effect", reminiscent of the feeling of a drive that is experiencing dancing at a disco.
"I think that fitness can even replace psychotherapy. Work well with psychics "collective unconscious." Mass is easier to enter into a trance than one person, "- says the founder of the school of training fitness instructors Yuri Siuhin. So fitness - is to some extent drug. But such a drug that is not on destruction and creation on your body.

However, like any drug, it sometimes causes not only addictive, but dependence. There is even such a thing as "pathological passion for fitness." This is when people suffering from real or perceived disability, see their only salvation in fitness. That is your personal link the human happiness with the state of his body. And even closer to the "ideal", they are still unsatisfied with the figure and continue to harass yourself loads well beyond their physical capabilities. But this is probably the theme of our heading "Things mental."

And finally,

• Those who want to "positive health" and wants to enjoy themselves sessions will be sufficient fitness club 2-3 times a week.

• Form for employment should be especially comfortable, and then you beautiful. It should not either "hang", neither too tight, so as not to hamper the movement. And of course, preferable to natural materials, which are well breathable and absorbent.

• Shoes - a general theme №1! Specialists, as well as loyal fans of fitness argue that if and what is not worth saving, so it's on sneakers. Better just to buy quality and specifically designed for those activities that you most frequently visit (aerobics, jogging, power loads and so on.).

• Forget the rubber belt or plastic wrap to "sweat more and lose weight." Otherwise, how "deeply unsanitary" and "absolutely useless" experts do not call these tricks.

• If you have started to do - to practice regularly. Skip to 10-14 days - and have to start all over again

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