East Fitness

 Mysterious practices of the ancient East are now available and open. Yoga, Tai Chi and Karate can be found in the schedule of nearby fitness club, and the studies themselves are becoming so popular that this trend can gently and without apparent effort (that way in the east!) To press the usual aerobics, step and boxing. Western-style "east fitness" called mind body, which means "a reasonable body." And all because the eastern practice of art and involve not only the body but also the mind and the mind, spirit and emotions.

Lose Weight Together: Slags

Yoga today is probably one of the most popular types of oriental fitness. Yoga requires flexibility and stretching, and it seems that women in this case there is a distinct advantage: our body just created to perform the asanas - yoga poses. In India, men are envious of women and force them to do housework, and themselves - yoga, yoga!

But seriously, the teachings of yoga for about five thousand years and is based on the idea that each individual is inextricably linked with the universe and should harmoniously combine the physical, psychological and spiritual.

Yoga is not just become so popular lately. The special value of yoga - in a lot of stretching exercises, which, of course, improving the exterior proportions, relieves stress and improves circulation.

Gradually, learning asanas, we are working on a comprehensive own body. There are even many examples where seemingly hopeless disease were cured with the help of yoga. Yoga successfully wins overweight, because carrying out an uncompromising struggle with stress. There is an authoritative opinion, it is often the trigger stress in our body some clever mechanism for the accumulation of fat. But to restore and stabilize the emotional balance, we have a chance to break out of the vicious circle.

In Moscow, popular yoga two directions - Iyengar and Ashtanga. Iyengar Yoga - classical, static yoga. In the classroom use special tools - belts, wooden blocks, cylinders, - that help beginners learn the asanas easier. Ashtanga - Yoga dynamic. In its complexes asanas smoothly into one another. It is believed that better to start with a static yoga, that is, Iyengar, and then, if you want, try a dynamic Ashtanga.

Tai Chi, on the way to the Great repartition

Chinese Tai Chi breathing exercises gradually gaining its place in space east of fitness. Some call Tai Chi Chinese yoga, but a health outcome (the same as from yoga) is achieved after all a little different way.

If the basis of yoga - statics, the way Tai Chi - a slow, smooth, continuous motion. First, the body has to get used to the correct form - so called individual elements of gymnastics. The accuracy of the form is very important, otherwise the energy can not begin to circulate properly. Then gradually forms are interconnected and are arranged in a long play 24, 42 and 108 motions. And then, as they say Tai Chi teacher, you can feel the Chinese skilled worker, pulling a thin silk thread from the cocoon - carefully and skillfully, so as not to break during the lesson.

As a result of their own accord are many ailments, emotional balance is restored and life in general is getting better. It may be added that, thanks to Tai Chi develops "inside look" - attention to himself, and then everything that surrounds you. Appears mindfulness in thought, word, deed. But the main thing - do not hurry! Eastern teachings in principle brooks no fuss. And one of the most important rules of teaching is: do not get attached to the outcome. Just follow the path of the Great Limit - so translates the name "Tai Chi".

Belly dance

Exotic and elegant look east fitness. In the old days in the East belly dancing has emerged as a ritual dance of worship of the Egyptian Isis, the image of the Great Mother Goddess. Another called it "the dance of life" and performed close to giving birth to help the new soul to be born. But, as it turned out, belly dancing are also very good for health. Abdominal muscles are strong and resilient and flexible spine, there is a deep-tissue massage internal organs located in the abdominal cavity, increasing blood circulation and, as a consequence, normalizes intestinal and reproductive system.

Maybe you've seen: the girl seemed to be standing still, like not moving, and the abdomen finely finely shakes. Men looking for it, usually languid exclaim: "Oh, it's sexy!" This is an unpretentious movement, which is not really that difficult to perform, not only improves the appearance of the skin, removes cellulite, but also great effect on the nervous system.

Dancing belly, we awaken the lower chakras, which are responsible for sexual energy. Awake, this energy is beginning to circulate rapidly, we feel we are stunningly attractive and come to realize their true mystical feminine nature! That's how much of a positive one stomach. Belly - that's life! Not without reason there is our main energy center - Tan Tien.


With some, though small, can hardly be called the set of another species-direction Lew mind body. Pilates - a kind of mixture of East and West. From East taken something akin to yoga exercises and respiratory system, from the West - a force on the muscle.

All Pilates exercises are performed very slowly and with the utmost concentration on the breath. As in any eastern fitness, without intellectual effort is not enough. The main idea of ​​the complex -osmyslennost each movement. Admit it, it is difficult to achieve harmony thinking in the classroom of tomorrow's meeting or of his boyfriend, who three days does not ring.

System Pilates strengthens the muscles of the deepest layer, which no other exercises to work impossible. In addition, the training develops flexibility, endurance, coordination, improve posture. The positive effect after the start of training becomes evident quickly, and even if you for some time to leave the class, the result will remain for a long time with no additional effort.

Pilates classes in the system are completely safe and have no contraindications. Complex exercises can be performed on the floor on the rubber mat. In addition to the complex of exercises, Dr. Pilates designed a special simulator, which resembles torture device for the Spanish Inquisition. It is something like a bed with a huge number of different devices - clamps, springs, retainers. And that's it (of course, under the guidance of coach) you will get the most reliable results. - Your task is not to let the mind be distracted by social and domestic problems and clearly follow each muscle, which is currently subjected to healing effects.


A very popular type of fitness. Taibo appearance we owe the famous karate, sevenfold world champion Billy Blznksu. In Europe and America Taibo in popularity in many clubs ahead of all other programs. However, deservedly so. Taibo - a strength, energy, stamina, youth. These are the real fighting movement in the style of aerobics under the energetic music. Boxing, karate, kickboxing - all in one complex.

If you want to run out after a hard day, sharp and dynamic movements that mimic strokes, will help relieve the tension. Let's say, for the day you did not leave the desire to, pardon the expression, to fill his face boss or colleague. Agree to commit such it would be wrong from every point of view.

In the evening the lesson Taibo in fitness club can easily imagine ourselves broad face "favorite" boss and happy to put on it a few crushing blows. Taibo - a non-contact fight, so there is practically no risk of injury. By the way, experts estimated that 1 hour lesson on energy consumption corresponds to 10 -kilometrovomu race at the track.


If you think that you are already in the field of fitness is no surprise, then you are mistaken. You can, for example, try vinchun - one of the most effective forms of self-defense. Do not be afraid, no one expects that you will attain the level of Chinese celebrities and will fight like Bruce Lee. Vinchun long and successfully engaged to promote health, intellectual development, improve emotional and physical tone. As for the meat--defense, it is optional. Before you decide you really need a martial arts skills, you will be able to assess the positive health benefits that provide training vinchun.
And they pass unnoticed. You're getting in front of a partner and begin to perform special exercises hands. On vinchunovskom slang is called to twist arms. The essence of the exercise is that your hands should just stick to your hands Partner and precisely repeating his movements. Thus you are at the same time to develop coordination and a sense of a partner that can help you and after completing almost all spheres of life - from work to sex.

Vinchun jokingly referred to fitness for the lazy. It does not require superrastyazhki, jumps, power loads. But at the same time even simple exercises for beginners are working all muscle groups, free joints, increase the elasticity of ligaments. A respiratory complex improves blood circulation and increases energy levels. Begin to engage, by the way, it is possible at any age. Complexion, and the presence or absence of initial physical fitness do not matter. Vinchun gives another advantage - a specific set of exercises you can perform on a very small space (at least in the workplace), and in any clothes at any time of the year.

Classes vinchun relieve stress, harden the body and will, develop the ability to properly assess the situation and respond quickly. By the way, there is another reason why it is worth a try vinchun women. According to one legend, this style has been created woman and named her name, which translates denotes the Eternal Spring.