Capoeira: Brazilian art or fashion fitness?

 Capoeira ... One name already heard fortitude and mobility of the body. Capoeira - (on - Brazilian - "kapueyra" (capoeira) - trendy fitness now, exotic martial art, a kind of dance with the elements of the struggle.

Homeland - Brazil.

Birth - outlawed.

History - ambiguous.


There are many theories about the origin of capoeira, and the main of which brings us back to the Africa. In the early 16th century, the Portuguese led by Pedro Alvares Cabral landed in Brazil. To accelerate the development of new territories, the rights to which said Spain, the colonists needed labor. However, before them there was a question, someone to use as slaves, because the local Indians were weak and often died. Solution found in Africa. In Brazil began actively to import slaves from the Portuguese colonies in the territory of Africa - Angola, Mozambique, Guinea and Congo. So it happened later that slaves from different tribes living in the barracks, marked the beginning of a new martial art, which, of course, the slave owners would not approve, so disguised as dance.

This art was the best for a help runaway slaves, organize their own settlements and to protect them from the Portuguese troops and police. After the abolition of slavery in 1888, a huge number of former slaves gained their freedom, but as often happens with hasty reforms, did not get the opportunity to work and support themselves and their families. On the streets of Brazilian cities started happening robberies, often accompanied by murder. During this period, the word "capoeirista" means: a thief, a robber and a bandit! Authorities declared capoeira is zakona.Sohranilis even police reports, which said about some capoeiristas named Bizoru (Besouro), who beat alone a police squad, took away their weapons and attributed to the police station to make fun of the weakness of the government. He became a legend among the capoeiristas.

Despite persecution by the police, masters of capoeira continued to meet secretly with his disciples (such gatherings were called by the word "Rhoda") and teach them this ancient art.

Everything changed in the twentieth century, when in 1930 a military coup persecution of capoeiristas weakened and they finally could not hide his studies.


In 1932 he opened the first official capoeira academy. Her osnovatel- Master Bimba (Mestre Bimba), - real name Manuel dos Reis Machado, who taught capoeira for special, they developed technique. It is also the first to use colored belts to denote the level of the student.

The second founder of this kind of iskusstva- Master Pastinha, who in 1941 opened his own school of Capoeira Angola. Pastinha was the first to introduce a form of capoeira: black pants and yellow shirts. Pastinha went down in history as a great philosopher and artist of capoeira. He focused on the preservation of historical, cultural and musical traditions of capoeira, without which, as claimed by the master, it is impossible to grasp its essence.

Bimba and Pastinha are two key figures of contemporary capoeira. Modern capoeira honor the memory of these wonderful people who gave everything for the development of capoeira. That there is only the fact that after the death of Master Bimba, all schools of capoeira in Brazil for 7 days closed in sign of mourning for him.


Basics of Capoeira are simple: music, trick, partnership and love.

The first place belongs to love. Love of life, to capoeira, to art, to the delight.

The trick is to dodge, simulated or not, or any other movements that contain a potential danger.

Partnership. Without the partnership is not a game of capoeira, capoeira without it are not trained. Only the presence of a partner allows us to develop self-confidence manifested in the ability to improvise various deviating elements.

Music is very important, it is stretching into the mystic root of capoeira. It transforms consciousness capoeirista, directs its movements. Music controls the aggressiveness, destroys stiffness and creates a fun game.

Capoeira TODAY

So what is it takoe- capoeira? Dance, play, or martial arts? Fashionable hobby or a way to always be in shape? Indeed, during the execution of a number of different rhythmic strides feet, fashionable music in a short time well stretched muscles, reduces the volume of the hips and waist, as well as the ability to kick comes to self-defense. Everyone is engaged in capoeira own. But there is something for everyone unites: Capoeira helps to get a boost of energy, to reveal themselves spiritually, physically, and find your way.

Tags: art