9 "green" steps to weight loss

 How can you help the environment by going to your goal - weight loss? Next useful activity reduces waste, landfill, reduce carbon allocation - all while burning a huge number of calories! For example, a grass cutting mower with a hand not only reduces pollution, but also allows the double burn more calories than when using a gas or electric mower. (Plus, many people say that it's better for your lawn). Here are some ways to make it easier not only life, but also the weight.

Replace your sports equipment

Remove your old trainer or sports equipment and change with your friends on video aerobics or aerobic ball. This will encourage you to try new exercises that will quickly raise your metabolism.
Use of the environment: you can prevent pollution from non-degradable equipment, and air - from the exhaust gases during transport.

Buy sports equipment stores

Recent studies have shown that the game of football burns more calories than jogging, which has always been considered ideal for weight loss. Practice footwork using a soccer ball made of polyurethane instead of PVC plastic, which releases harmful chemicals into the air, water and soil.

Practice jogging outdoors

45-minute run or walk in the fresh air will help to improve blood circulation, keep the brain active and burn more calories than doing the same work in a stuffy gym. Plus, sunlight increases serotonin levels and vitamin D in the body, which helps to keep the weight stability.
Use of the environment: the rejection of treadmills, elliptical trainers and stationary bicycles reduces national energy consumption levels. This equipment does not work even when consumes energy.

Dispose of trash

Work out search and destroy waste around your home weekly family mission. You will actively train the arms and legs, constantly bending down and dragging bags of garbage in the open air.

Use of the environment: garbage collection not only gives the grass, trees, bushes and flowers to breathe, but also provides an opportunity for you and your children to appreciate all the charm of a green environment.

Eat less meat

Vegetarians tend to be slimmer than those who eat meat, and are less likely to get heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. Some evidence suggests that people who go on a vegetarian diet will automatically burn more calories because plant foods consumed the body more efficiently than the meat, which is often deposited in the fat.
Use of the environment: meat production uses more water, energy and fuel than vegetable; same surface runoff pollutes rivers and the air.

Limit yourself to the pre-packaged packaged snacks

Avoid low-fat packaged foods because they often do not satisfy our appetite and can cause overeating later. Instead, a handful of snack nuts or other useful products every few hours to stabilize blood sugar levels and keep the metabolism rate.

Use of the environment: these products are usually packed in a plastic bag or cellophane, which require a lot of years to decompose.

Enjoy a traditional housework

To burn extra calories when performing household chores around the house, try to do things the old-fashioned way. For example, use a normal hand mower to trim the lawn, or hang clothes to dry on the rope. These variations movements challenge your body, causing it to move in completely different ways, activating your metabolism.

Pamper yourself going to the eco-spa

Instead excesses in eating and drinking in celebration of your birthday, anniversary or the beginning of holiday, treat yourself to an eco-spa. Massage, yoga course, wraps and mineral baths to relax the muscles, help remove toxins and restore the connection between body and mind, which in turn can increase weight loss.
Use of the environment: eco-spa respectful to the environment in many different variations - from chemically pure products and ending with energy-efficient lighting.

Park your car

Your choice of vehicle can burn 500 extra calories a day. The trip by bus or metro will force you to explore on foot (or running), cycling strengthens calves and glutes, and opt for the stairs instead of the elevator, improve heart and lung function. In comparison - driving a car does not burn virtually no calories.

Use of the environment: the sooner you turn off the car engine, the less gas and oil gets into the air.

Tags: weight loss