Triumph purple

 Italian stylists unanimously recognized the purple main color of the season "Autumn-Winter 2007". Wearing a purple dress this year is considered particularly chic.  

But beware! That does not look ridiculous, it is necessary to follow a few rules of iron. It is recommended to wear any shades of purple - from smoky-purple to amethyst, from purple to burgundy, but in no case should not resort to the purple.

It is not an easy task - to choose shoes. To just do not make a mistake, it is better to choose the shoes exactly the same tone as your clothes. If so purple boots for you too radical, you can choose a universal black. All accessories should also be purple shades.

Yet purple color will not be everyday, say Italian stylists. This color - the color most elegant evening dress, especially since the fabric this season also apply for a special elegance and chic - relevant silk and chiffon.

Author: Olga Mikhailova, ItalyNews.RU

Tags: triumph