
 Imagine: the same means and the skin heals and soothes nerves and strengthens the immune system. And so it really is! The ability of essential oils affect the emotions and cope with certain diseases have long been known. But it turns out that's not all! Essential oils - a biological weapon of modern cosmetology. Natural - they are not rejected by the skin as foreign elements; incredibly complex chemical composition - are able to solve problems in a complex on three levels: hormonal, beauty and emotional ... Handling them requires knowledge and practice, but it's worth it!

Harmony by drop

Who has tried knows: classic antitsellyullitny massage - a thing very, very painful! After all, cosmetologist, massage therapist with your fingers or a special device "breaks" overgrown fat cells to release accumulated toxins. But there is a more "gentle" way to find former harmony - essential oils, means №1 in eternal struggle for women's smooth skin.

Without painful mechanical impact they penetrate the skin and themselves begin to put things in order: pull the excess water (parsley, dill), to burn excess body fat - this property is enjoyed by all citrus essential oils (the most popular - grapefruit and tangerine), but especially the lemongrass oil and petit -greyna. In a pair of these exotic oils not only break the fat and tighten the skin, preventing the "sagging" that often satellites volume loss. And the essential oil of black pepper is struggling with nasty subcutaneous tubercles.

Moreover, since the oil interact with cells of the body at the molecular level and does not require any extra movements to improve figures simply take a bath ...!

Try a classic recipe: 4 drops of grapefruit oil, mandarin 3 and 2 drops lemon dissolve in 50 mL of whipping cream and after 15 minutes added to the water. Take a bath every other day for 10-20 minutes. The course lasts 3 weeks. This procedure regulates the liver and gall bladder (grapefruit), improves mood (Mandarin) and immunity (lemon).

And here is the recipe from a leading expert on aromakorrektsii Julia Irisova:

1 drop of oil of fennel, black pepper 2, 2 Petite Grein 1 and lemongrass. This bath can replace a comprehensive 2-hour procedure in a beauty salon!

Sometimes wishing to lose weight are advised to combine the external action of essential oils with ingestion. You can try, just remember: no more than three drops per day (15 minutes before eating) and only 100% natural essential oils, bought at the pharmacy - otherwise you risk confusing swallow "chemistry". Lose weight inside the lemon and grapefruit help: not only do they break down fats, but also reduce the appetite. But the orange, cinnamon and black pepper, also known "fat burners" kindle the appetite.

Game time

What did not come up with antieydzh industry in the fight with traces of past years. Mechanical peels, chemical peels, suspenders, dembraziya ... No matter how different from each other different types of exfoliation, they have one principle: one way or another with the surface of the epidermis (when it is not a deep peel, affecting the skin down to the dermis) layer is removed cells.

Exposing the young layer ("new skin") while pleasing to the eye of his infant freshness, but fairly quickly loses her - because he was born before the scheduled time, unprepared ... The problem is that the human body has a certain amount of "extra set of" skin - that -What about fifty. Natural way of update occurs every few years. Making the same depth peeling every six months, you can go without their "emergency reserve" very quickly - in 10 years.

Essential oils work with cells completely different. Instead of destroying tired of unfavorable environment and stress layer of the skin, oil, due to its unique property to penetrate the protective sheath cells, nourish and moisturize them, prolonging the life of the layer.

Some essential oils - frankincense, sandalwood, patchouli - work well with an oval face and lost elasticity of the skin: diluted in gel, seaweed complex or clay, they tighten the skin, smooth wrinkles and restore microcirculation slowed.

But the real natural elixir of youth - a floral absolutes, oil-derived not from the roots, seeds and stems, and of delicate petals. They are rich in phytoestrogens - plant protogormonami - and are a great alternative to hormonal makeup.

Perhaps the most powerful anti-aging effect of essential oil of tuberose and violet. Rich in phytoestrogens and "king of flowers" - ylang-ylang, sung by the legendary Coco Chanel. Unique essential oil mimosa perfect very thin and dry skin.

The skin around the eyes you can make a precious gift, spreading oil polkapli Bigard 10 drops of base oil macadamia nut. Dark circles and spots disappear, and your eyes will shine with new force - in fact all of these oils, taking care of the skin at the same time align the emotional and hormonal balance of the whole organism.

Since the effects of essential oils - very complex biochemical process, it is better to use ready-made formulas that create professionals. For example, aromatherapy center "Iris" develop a set of "Antieydzh", "Superlifting" and others, in which the most effective oil mixed in proportions fine tuned.

Fuel recipe

Tired of your computer and the city is very pleasant skin tonic cocktail: one drop of oil incense, Palmarosa, cedar and rosewood dissolve 15 drops of St. John's wort oil, pine nuts or grape seeds and apply on face under a cream.

Most - most

All quality natural essential oils have a cosmetic effect on the skin, and yet among them are leaders-rounders:

Rose - Unique in its complex effects. Every skin type it interacts in its own way: dry nourishes, soothes irritated, fading rejuvenates and teen useful for its antibacterial properties. Properly cooked rose oil - is so strong that it must be diluted 1/100.

Lavender - Rose slightly inferior in their properties, but it can be applied to the skin, even in its purest form. Or slightly diluted (5 drops to 10-15 drops of base) - and prepared for a moisturizing mask for all skin types. It can be applied to the face, including the area around the eye 2-3 times a week.

Lemon - Universal bleach. He not only subject to the freckles and the consequences of failure sunburn, but also other types of pigment spots. Sometimes it is mixed with cosmetic clay, and in combination with the base oil (3-5 drops 15 drops of base) it brightens and evens the complexion, tightens pores, removes excess fat and saturates the epidermis much-needed vitamin C is considered a classic combination of "citric peppermint "(3 and 2 drops respectively).

Camomile - A drop of oil it is fraught with the ability to soothe any skin, whatever is the source of her disorder. Chamomile is suitable young and mature skin, fights the effects of cold and heat. Add 1 drop of chamomile oil blue in 50 ml of the usual moisturizer - you will get a unique means of relaxing facial.

Manuka - Unmatched antiseptic. Just as lavender oil it does not require dilution prior to contact with the epidermis. It is used for acne, any inflammations, insect bites, fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Not to mention the ability to deal with tea tree viruses and boosts immunity.

Safety regulations

To treatments with essential oils bring benefit and pleasure:

- Use only The 100% natural essential oils from a reputable manufacturer. The notorious "allergy" to oil - a consequence of familiarity with substandard products.

- Observe the dosage. Consistency oils so concentrated and intense that they need to use the drops, and certainly not tablespoons!

- Keep your distance! Most of the oil can not be applied to the skin in the form of pure! And in trace amounts only emulsifier. The base oil, cream or gel - for masks, cream or sea salt - bath.

- In the summer do not make masks with citrus oils before going out. They phototoxicity. The best solution - the evening or not less than 4 hours before sun exposure.

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