Morning firming complex yogis

 How to make a pleasant morning awakening and benefiting our body shape and posture? Engage More in bed the morning firming complex yogis. It takes you only five minutes, and cheerfulness and good humor will bring a whole day!

However, we must warn you that even though it will take you just five minutes, but at the same time you load will get as a whole during aerobic exercise. The body will feel the results of such activities in a couple of days, his system will work more actively and consistently. Reach spleen, constant tiredness and laziness, will increase efficiency.

So, you woke up and pulled plenty. Then, lying on his back, with all the force push back of his head on the pillow and put pressure on it for five seconds. Five seconds, relax, and again for five seconds push the pillow. Press down six times - and you will go a minute. Place a pillow on his chest, and for five seconds hug her tightly. Five seconds, relax - and again five seconds press down pillow to her chest. Made six times, this exercise will take you a second a minute.

Place a pillow between your legs and strongly for 5 seconds squeeze her knees. Relax - and six of these repetitions you will leave the third minute.

Spend the fourth minute, five seconds lifting his feet at an angle of 45 °, and between the legs ups for five seconds of rest.

And the fifth minute will leave you to stage calves. Toes of one foot five seconds to pull their fingers the other leg. Then for five seconds, change legs. So six times.

Thus passes five minutes, the complex was over, can rise. Powerful warm body you are guaranteed and perfect posture too. During this very complex your body acts as a kind of simulator. worked out with the large group of muscles. And, most importantly, the heart does not experience strong load - in fact you are doing complex lying.

After warming up the body begin to water procedures. Take a shower and a good rub the body with a wet towel.

Referring to the Hatha - Yoga.

Yoga believe that water for washing the body should not be hot or cold, but nice. By the way, make no mistake at the expense of that of yoga, in an effort to cleanse the body, constantly experiencing some stressful experience. This is not true. The most important commandment is true yoga - to be happy, and if something gives him discomfort, it no longer fits into the code of hatha - yoga.

So, the water should be enjoyable. Feel how there subtle approach to the nature of the individual? Like a cold shower - includes cold water. Like hot - you can even include boiling water. But better, of course, just water at room temperature, so as not to take away from the body the extra energy to the thermal insulation of the internal organs. Water you wash away all the dirt and towel pomassiruete skin, improving its circulation. During the shower opens the pores of the skin, the toxins out.

But there is a subtlety. If you decide to take a shower, massage the skin do hands vigorously rubbing it in running water. And the towel after a shower is not necessary, it is best to dry. It only healthier your nervous system, raise the tone, and the skin so fed with the needed moisture. Moreover, the best procedure for hardening and can not come up.

Same thing after wiping with a wet towel: wet body with a dry towel to wipe unnecessary. Obsohnite already dressed. If it's cold and you're afraid of catching cold, the first experience will surprise you - so after this procedure you will be hot. No ARI or flu you are not afraid. Your body learns to self regulate temperature, ie you restore the normal functioning inherent in us even from infancy nature quality - thermoregulation.

That is the correct action of this mechanism, we remove our children, first kutaya their summer and winter in a large number of diapers, then putting countless odёzhek. And as a result, they are older, we are very mёrznem, even at normal temperatures.

Performing complex yogis doing quenching and self-massage, we can restore the self-regulating forces of the body. Thus, we get rid of diseases, get a huge charge of energy for the whole day and a strong nervous system, which is not afraid of no stress.

Natalia Biatova

Tags: complex