The fashion world: Sergey Teplov

The fashion world: Sergey Teplov
 Sergey warmer - the famous designer originally from the Urals city of Yekaterinburg. Sergei graduated from high school Yekaterinburg fashion and founded his own brand Serguei Teplov. Each season he produces four collections of clothes. Two collections are owned brand Serguei Teplov, and the remaining two - youth clothing line St by Teplov. Also, the heat released and shoes.

Sergey creates fashions relating to intellectual fashion. Each collection has a strict concept, which he carries through the entire lineup.

Sergey Teplov creates his clothes for people who want to be independent and able to think. Basically, for clothing, warm chooses black. But black does not carry a sign of mourning, he emphasizes mastery of cut and perfect shape. Nothing more, clothing Teplova no place ridiculous decorations. All stylish and strictly.

Style Teplova - conceptual minimalism. It works with linen, cotton, jersey, velvet and leather. His models are always very interesting complex shape.

In 2003, he became the owner of Diamond buttons - the highest award of the Russian-British online fashion. His talent warm Just conquered Moscow, and went to conquer Milan. Beginning in 2005, the heat is a regular participant Russian Fashion Week (Russian Fashion Week), in 2006 participated in the China Fashion Week, participating in the fashion week in Milan.

Clothing brand "Serguei Teplov" easy to learn. This garment contains a secret, known only to the designer and the owner of the things from the collection of thermal energy. Each of his collection of individual. At fashion shows, designer always considers everything to the smallest detail: shoes, hats and accessories. Together with the original models Teplovaoni create a very harmonious composition.

In 2006 Teplov opened his first boutique in his hometown of Yekaterinburg. His clothes became more accessible to a wide range of customers, but it is still individual.

Tags: clothes, designer, world, fashion, warm, Sergey