Stellar disease: Nastya Zadorozhna

Stellar disease: Nastya Zadorozhna
 Anastasia Zadorozhna - a famous singer and actress of Russian cinema. She was born in 1985. His musical career began in the girl 4 years old when her family moved to permanent residence in the Russian capital. At age ten, Nastia began performing in the children's group "Fidget". It was during this period of her life she became recognizable.
 Nastya was born into a military family quenching. Girl from childhood began to pull creativity. At the age of fifteen years Zadorozhna debuted in cinema. Directed by Vadim Shmelev asked her to play the role of a schoolgirl in the TV series "Simple Truth". It is this picture opened her interest in theater arts.

In 2001, on the set of TV show "12 Angry Viewers" she met her future producer Sheksheevym. A year later, Anastasia entered the Academy of Theatre Arts. Her teachers were such famous people as Valentin Tepljakov and Pavel Chomsky.

While still a student, Zadorozhna played her first leading role in the TV series "The Club". From that moment she found true glory and love of the audience. For the role of Vasilisa in 2007 Nastia received the "Golden Gramophone" and the prize for best ringtone year. In the same year, the Belgian director Guy Goossens Zadorozhnaya suggested to play a role whimsical girl on the show "Matryoshka". From that moment acting career of a young girl came up.

In parallel with the work in the film Anastasia began studying music. In summer 2010, she played a small cameo in the comic video for the song "Dadado."

Anastasia Zadorozhna leads an active lifestyle. Taking part in the project "Star ice", she met her future husband - skater Sergei Slavnov. The first time the couple did not want to advertise their relationship, but still managed to bring their media to clean water. Viewers can witness a married couple in the series "Club", thanks to Nastia directors agreed to give Sergey a small role.

Nastia many tours, concert activity takes a lot of time. According to her, the peace of mind she gets close to her mother and beloved husbands. These people give her a real peace of mind.

Tags: careers, life, biography, disease, Nastya, Zadorozhna