Ryazan guy Yesenin

Ryazan guy Yesenin
 This hair took it in rye. Blue eyes, blond curls linen, almost childlike face - Ivan from a Russian folk tale. In general - a fantastic character. "How ?! - Shout others. - A reveler, a drunkard, a bully and uses foul language! ". Is not this contradictory combination of sky-friendly and very earthly means his line "white rose with a black toad on earth I wanted to marry?" Yesenin - "the last poet of the village," as he called himself, - who is he for us?

Esenina - one of the genuinely Russian poets. Born into a family of peasants in the village of Konstantinovo near Ryazan. Village life, while still full of deep faith of the Orthodox, since childhood deeply into his soul and poetry. Sergei Yesenin Young writes poetry since childhood: first, imitative, and then - surprisingly original, reminiscent at times that spiritual songs, the folk tales in verse form, the magical dreams, recorded on paper.

Learn the four-year college in the Constantine and Savior Klepiki school teacher with a degree in Grammar school teacher, Sergei Yesenin leaves his native land and in the Ryazan 17 years left for Moscow - there was the possibility of a more substantial earnings in the butcher shop, where his father served as clerk of the poet. Next - work in the famous printing IDSytin and passion revolutionary trends, and at the same time - the philosophical department.

Three years later, Yesenin went to the northern capital, where he met with the color of Russian poetry of the early twentieth century: Alexander Blok (who was very impressed with quite professional verses seemingly provincial boy), Nikolai Gumilev, Nikolai Klyuev and others. Around the same time (1916) published the first collection of the poet "Radunitsa" - with the very, clean, fantastic poems about nature, about God and the Mother of God, animals and, of course, about the village and the native side. Ryazan he did not forget, even in the most difficult time of their lives.

After the 1917 revolution Yesenin was finally settles in Moscow, wrote inspired "revolutionary" poems, where again for himself becomes unsolvable paradox: on the one hand - Orthodox Yesenin interested godless moods, and on the other - his poetry is still not leave the Bible stories, motifs and images. Only in the later verses and poems feelings of disappointment and despair: the Soviet system did not bring the expected updates poet and spiritual resurrection.

From despair Yesenin hero hits the town red - so there are verses combined title "Moscow Taverns." Poems, troubled the public, and to trample all ethical standards of the time. But the attentive reader will see in them all the same pure soul, but worn, scarred, did not find any other way in the new world, how to move from one pub to another.

Marriage to Isadora Duncan - another illusion, trying to start a new life, but "no one is hungry fed," and Russian American does not understand, and the marriage of two bright and unusual, suffers painful for both fail.

Upon his return from America Yesenin with new forces is taken as the chanting of their homeland - the truth, bright colors in these verses are less and less, and at first glance goes deep dramatic and even tragic attitude. It's like a premonition close premature end and parting with a beloved edge.

We now leave little
In a country where peace and quiet.
Maybe soon my way
Mortal collect belongings.

In his own way Yesenin went to the night of 27 to 28 December 1925. According to one version, the poet committed suicide by hanging himself in the room "Angleterre". Other embarrassed that "suicide" Yesenin was severely beaten. There is an assumption that security officers chased the poet denunciation of Soviet power and killed, while faking a suicide. Passed away not because he wanted to.

Tags: guy, biography, Yesenin Sergei