Rezo Gigineishvili

Rezo Gigineishvili
 Rezo Gigineishvili born March 19, 1982 in Tbilisi, Georgia. His mother was a homemaker and devoted her life to her family and her father in the Soviet period led health resort Borjomi. In the early 1990s, the boy's family moved to Moscow.
 Interest in cinema appeared at Rezo when his father brought home a VCR and a collection of Soviet films. Toward the end of high school, the guy started to prepare for admission to MGIMO. In parallel with the preparation for exams, Rezo composed in English different articles. Once they noticed his sister, a student at the School of Film and Television, and told his brother that he has the talent writer. As a result, the young man entered the VGIK and hit the course Marlena Hutsieva.

Soon, a cousin introduced Rezo with Fyodor Bondarchuk, who at that time was beginning to work on the blockbuster "9 rota". Bondarchuk immediately saw the potential in talented young man and took him to work a second director and personal assistant. They turned out great creative alliance, after the "9th Company", they also worked together on "The Inhabited Island".

In the twenties Rezo invited to shoot the series "Nine Months", a lyrical story about complicated family relationships. Then he admitted that he liked more such work than the large-scale survey Bondarchuk. At that time, in addition to the series, he shot music videos and commercials.

In 2005, he met with the graduate Rezo "American Idol 4" Anastasia Kochetkova. Their romance spun rapidly and they even decided to register their relationship, despite the fact that the floor was only 17, and her parents were against the marriage. September 17, 2005, they married, on June 8, 2006, the couple had a daughter, Mary. Rezo was madly in love with Nastya, and even took her to one of the main roles of the film "Heat". But then family life had no luck, and the couple divorced.

After a while Rezo began courting younger daughter Nikita Mikhalkov Hope. But the master of Russian cinema was totally against romance with the daughter Gigineishvili. Because of this, their union overgrown gossip and rumors, and the couple was trying to hide their relationship from the public. However, in April 2009, Nikita Mikhalkov had to reconcile with his daughter and her lover, as they began to live together and planning to get married, and he even blessed loving couple.

May 21, 2011 Hope gave birth to a daughter, whom his father called "my little princess" Nino (Nina). A 29 October 2011 Rezo and Hope were married in the monastery Bodbe in Sighnaghi. To celebrate the couple rented a luxurious mansion, and among the guests were the couple Bondarchuk, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., Georgian singer Nani Bregvadze and even the President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili.

Tags: hope Mikhalkov, Anastasia, Rezo, Gigineishvili