Biography of Miley Cyrus

Biography of Miley Cyrus
 Miley Ray Cyrus - American actress and singer. In 2008 she was declared the richest young celebrity. Talent and charm of the girls made her movies popular, her music albums have become bestsellers. Teenagers around the world consider their idol Miley.

Miley Cyrus was born on November 23, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee, the son of Trish (Leticia) and Billy Ray Cyrus - the famous American country singer. Parents, as if anticipating the future of her daughter gave her name Destin Hope (Eng. Destiny - Fates, Hope - hope). Destin grew cheerful and smiling girl. The family called her Miley (derived from Smiley - smile). Milo has two sisters and two brothers.

The girl grew up in an atmosphere of music and the scene. She loved to sing, compose music, toured with his father and participated in its television projects. His first small role she played with my dad in ceriale «Doc».

However, the first real film debut for Destin Hope Cyrus was the film Tim Burton's "Big Fish" was released in theaters in 2003.

At age 11, Cyrus learned about the casting of the series "Hannah Montana", which was conducted by Walt Disney. Girl sent a video audition for the role of best friend of the protagonist. Miley first considered unsuitable candidate. But after a time, she called and said that her main role was approved. At that time, Cyrus was 12 years old. The girl had to move to Los Angeles.

In the series, Miley Cyrus plays Miley Stewart - schoolgirl, which at night turns into a pop star. The role of the father of Miley Stewart played Billy Ray Cyrus.

Show "Hana Montana" started in 2006 and had a runaway success. Based on the series was filmed several TV movies and feature films.

Almost all the songs for the series written and performed by the most Miley Cyrus.

Solo musical debut Miley Cyrus took place in 2007. An album Hannah Montana 2 / Meet Miley Cyrus. Half of the album - the soundtrack to the TV series "Hana Montana." Second half - a song written and performed most of Miley, but not associated with the series. The album debuted at number one the Billboard 200.

The second album, entitled Breakout was released in 2008. He took first place in the American, Australian and Canadian charts.

In 2008 Destin Hope Cyrus has officially changed its name to Miley Cyrus. In the same year she topped the ten richest children from 8 to 16 years and confirmed the title of the idol of teenagers all over the world.

In 2009, Cyrus released a book, an autobiography «Miles to Go».

In 2010, Miley starred in the movie "The Last Song" and told reporters that she meets with co-star Liam Hemsworth.

In 2011, Cyrus was withdrawn in the remake of the movie LOL with Ashley Greene and Demi Moore, has a figure in Madame Tussaud's and her own clothing line. Over her shoulders a large number of concerts, 7 albums (three of which - platinum) and several world tours.

Tags: biography, Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana