Special exercises for brides

 Most of the bride on the wedding day cares how she got on the photo. So says the coach of the US Sue Fleming, author of the bestseller "Die bride." And he continues: "On the wedding day dozens of eyes will view you from all sides, so I developed a special training plan for brides.

The emphases - On the chest, arms, shoulders and back. This complex will allow you to choose an open dress, not in terms of strengths and weaknesses of your figure, but only of beauty dress. " All you need - do the exercises four days a week, using dvuhkilogrammovy dumbbells.

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Exercises for the biceps

Sit on a chair, legs wide arrange, in the right hand take a dumbbell. Slightly leaning forward, put your left hand on your left knee and place your right elbow on the inside of the right thigh, making sure your palm facing up. Lift the dumbbell up to shoulder, then lower. Repeat 12 times.

Exercises for the triceps

Lie on a fitness ball (or steady coffee platen), shoulders and neck resting on its surface. Keep your knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart arrange in each hand to take the dumbbell. Pushing his feet and not taking his foot off the floor, stretch your arms straight up - the starting position. On the exhale, bending your arms, lower the dumbbells to his forehead, holding the position of the upper arms and shoulders. On the inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times. Make two approaches to bear between 30-second pause.

Exercises for Shoulder

Take in each hand dumbbell, arms, lower down, palms inward. Arrange the legs shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows, shoulders slumped, straighten your back, abdomen retract. Exhale and slowly raise your arms up just above the shoulders. On the inhale slowly return to its initial position. Do three sets of 8-12 times.

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Exercises for the buttocks, back and hamstring

Lean outstretched left hand and knee on an ottoman or coffee table steady, keep the body parallel to the floor, pinch the blade, shoulders straighten, do not slouch. Take a dumbbell in your right hand (palm facing inward) and lower it down. On the exhale, bend your arm at the elbow and lift the dumbbell as high as possible, to the level of the chest; try to keep the brush as close as possible to the body - depends on the effectiveness of the exercise. Inhale and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 12-15 times on each side. Follow the two approaches. Through this exercise, you will be able to "sculpt" a beautiful back and achieve a smooth transition from the back to the buttocks.

Back exercises

Lie on the floor face down, arms outstretched, socks and palms facing down. On the inhale as high as possible, lift the chin and chest, neck, pull forward, belly off the floor, do not release. Then inhale, lift 20-30 inches straight left arm and right leg, hand still looking down. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Exhale and slowly lower the arm and leg to the starting position. Repeat with the other arm and leg. Make two sets of 12-15 times on each side. This exercise will allow you to significantly improve your posture.

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Exercise for obliques

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart arrange, pinch the blade, shoulders straighten. Take a dumbbell in your left hand, palm facing inward. Right hand on the back of the head, elbow direct to the side. Exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly lean to the left, stay in this position for 5 seconds, then just as slowly return to starting position - on inspiration. Repeat 8-12 times on each side. Perform three sets. Through this exercise, you will disappoint the press and get rid of "barrel" Natal.

Exercise for the press

Lie on a fitness ball, relying on its surface of the lower part of the back, shoulder blades lightly touch the ball. Interlock your hands behind your head, elbows wide arrange. Exhale and slowly bend so that the blade broke away from the ball. Return to starting position. Make four sets of 12-15 times. Rock press on the ball much more effectively, but you can do this exercise on the floor or on the couch.

Tags: exercise, the bride