Housing -trening

 Training for housing now at a premium. However a number of related issues remain illuminated. Let us turn to the experts.

Many people think that body - onlyabs and lower back. In fact, this entire upper body and muscles surrounding the pelvis. This - the core, the center from which emanates any movement.

For many years the fitness industry was based mainly on the elaboration of an isolated individual muscles. But now professionals and fitness enthusiasts have realized that in real life, not a muscle works all by itself.

Body - A band that should play harmoniously and smoothly. The appearance of workouts for body marked a new, more reasonable and balanced approach to keeping yourself in shape. Now the main purpose of dealing with - not to pump the muscles and achieve optimal functioning of the whole organism.

Trainingfirst of all, Correct posture, due to which you appear slimmer. Within a month of regular exercise acquaintances will ask you: "How did you lose weight? ". Change and proportions of the figure - with isolated exercises such effect is not observed. You'll look athletic and toned, and your every gesture would be more elegant and beautiful.

Previously, the vast majority of programs based on the "one-dimensional" exercises borrowed from bodybuilding. They contain many presses and jerks at; body muscles which practically do not work. You become stronger, but the ability to "invest" this power in their movements (including in daily life) do not get.

So, bodybuilders can lift a lot of weight, but good to hit a tennis ball they can not, because they have not developed the small muscles that support the hips, torso, shoulders and back. This small "workers" lacks efficiency and flexibility, so that man could playfully jump and swing, as required in tennis.

Limbs are weak and lifeless if the body sluggish and unstable. You can be trained and developed press loin, but stoop (it is peculiar to those who spend a lot of time on the computer), you can not avoid problems such as pain in the shoulders and the curvature of the spine.

The same applies to the thighs: if they are not able to stabilize the movement (for example, on the treadmill, they sway from side to side), then soon you will begin to torment pain and knees. Gait becomes more awkward, besides increase the risk of injury.

We emphasize once again: movement must fulfill, rather than pump body parts.

To test the strength of the body, do the following.

Lie on your back, bend your knees at a right angle and put your heels on the floor, sending up socks. Raskinte hands to the sides - about 45 ° from the torso, palms down on the floor. Pull the belly and lift your buttocks: the floor should only forearms, hands, head and heel.

If you are unable to hold for 30 seconds the body from knees to shoulders straight on weight, so your torso is weak. By the way, some heavyweights easily wrung out a 250-pound barbell on this bridge will not stand for 5 minutes.

Tags: housing