New life: tips for beginners

 The temptation to start the New Year with a new life exposed even sober people; why "even"? Yes, because when large numbers start to finish reach unity. It has long been seen: the new life begun simultaneously with chimes, often ends in a few days. Why is this happening?  

There are several explanations as to why people choose the beginning of the year in order to radically change their lives. Firstly, there is something in this ritual: new - nothing more than a celebration of death of the old year and the birth of the new. Why not celebrate the same time conditional "death" of the old personality and the birth of a new - new habits, new goals and new way of life?

There is another version: the amateurs to coincide with a new life for the new year just is not enough motivation. Those who are determined to change, does not wait for a red day calendar, it changes here and now.

Try to help those who are determined not to suffice.

Here are the obstacles that stand in the way of starting a new life on Monday, the 1st day of the first month of the new year.

First obstacle: want all at once

I must say that if someone just wants to quit smoking or stop eating sweets, then it is more about getting rid of the habit. New life we ​​call something else: when a person draws a whole new image of himself and seeks his match. In the new life he did not smoke, do not eat sweets, but also rationally spends his time, earn more, change the social circle, update wardrobe.

In a word, which acts as "A still circle on the photo, but also sing the hunt." And overstrain long.

Should not rush all at once. Try to start to write a list of the things you plan to do. Then calculate resource: How much time, cost and spiritual forces are planning to invest in it; what the result (and most importantly - how soon) going to come. And assess the feasibility of their calculations, not forgetting that in day 24 hours, and everyone has the right to rest.

Proceed to the implementation of the plan so as gradually as the load increased in the fitness center. Sign a blog. But not for quiet reflection. First, you have to break their global plans into many small incremental tasks. And then - to fix that of the target you have completed that no, why it happened, and what are your feelings on the progress made.

Second obstacle: unfinished business

New Year's Eve, as we discovered, is possible only after the death of the old ritual. The same applies to your business, started in the past year. Especially if they have a direct relationship to a new life.

In other words, old things must be completed.

Suppose you decided to break up in the New Year with her boyfriend. Before simultaneously with the chimes slam the door (or show him the door), you must put an end to the old practice (let's call it "living together and the relationship with the current boyfriend"). That is, you must be aware of why you need it and what you seek; you must be sure that you really need this act, and under no circumstances will not change your decision.

Strategic planning specialists advised to assess the value of any planning an event with four questions to ask yourself:

What happens when my goal is realized?

What will happen when my goal is realized?

What happens if my goal is not realized?

What will happen if my goal is not realized?

Ask yourself these questions - and your desire to start a new business or grow stronger or lost.

To finally say goodbye to the old year, would be nice to bring him up, and best of all in writing.

Hurdle third, it still does not work

Is it easy to go on a diet when the surrounding area packed with fat mayonnaise salad "Olivier"? Is it easy to make your resume to prospective employers when everything around sit back and moral decay? Well, as you yourself have decided to start a new life from January 1, must be responsible for their choices.

But the most difficult to cope with no external obstacles, and internal - that is, with a birthmark, a quiet subconscious certainty that no harm in trying, but a decent result is unlikely to succeed.

Try to spend alone with a little training. Suppose you set out to do sports. Try to remember long-forgotten sensations in his own body on the overworked muscles. Or remember the episodes of his life, when you were with the sport "you". See, you were once able to do it - then it is in principle feasible. So you can do it now.

And most importantly, whatever it happened with a new life, do not forget to reward yourself for completed cases. Do not make life in a continuous race for a bright future.

Tags: advice