Life and Sex

 Sex - an integral part of our lives. Is it possible to imagine a harmonious family, where there is no sex. Sex - is a delight, one of the greatest pleasures in life. That sex makes you forget about everyday life, about the concerns and problems and the time to move us in a completely different world, a world of love, affection, pleasure.

Even in ancient India was described treatise on the subject of love. And the name of this treatise Kama Sutra. He has not lost its relevance today.
We live in a fast paced rhythm. TV, phone, computer. All this is great!

In pursuit of innovations and technological progress we almost do not have time for yourself, for your mental and physical happiness.
Everything seems to be fine. The family, as a family. Colleagues and neighbors jealous. It seems, at first glance, has it all: a prestigious job, a house, an expensive car, money.
But despite all these good "happy family" as a house of cards collapses. Each of us understands that it can not be a full-fledged family happiness without sex. Sex - is a source of joy, inspiration and happiness.
What is the reason? Why do we tolerate failure in family life?

The answer is simple, the lack of a harmonious union in the bedroom. Sex has caused endless suffering and frustration.

Discover a new world. World of joy, bliss and happiness.
Monotony in the bedroom thing of the past, and a new life will open before you their secrets.
Go back to ancient times, give vent to his feelings and your emotions!
Let the mystery of bedrooms slightly open their doors to you!
Fantastic world Kamasutra entice you for themselves and reveal their secrets.

Option One

Life and Sex

In this position, the G-spot is particularly strongly excited. A man must compress the knees of his partner. Not only women but men get pleasure.

Option Two

Life and Sex

POSE bridge.
This position of the bodies is only suitable for mobile, young men, otherwise it can be torture.
She sits on him and makes smooth movements. Height and weight of both partners must comply.

Option Three

Life and Sex

The man lies on his back. The woman squats on his haunches, and slowly sit on men's hips, turning her back to him. A woman can initiate stronger man, stroking his ovaries.
The position is suitable for young and energetic men.

Option fourth

Life and Sex

A man sits on a chair. Woman between his legs.
This - very original and exciting position.

Fifth option

Life and Sex

Man sitting cross-legged on the bed or on the floor, the woman sit on his phallus. While it penetrates into it and determines the rhythm of the movement. Male hands caress the female body, and his lips nipples.

Option sixth

Life and Sex

The woman lies on her back, with her buttocks on the edge of the bed. Man kneeling on a bed, lying on the floor and penetrates the woman and at the same time stroking her clitoris and breasts. This position can be used at the table, as shown in the figure.
In this position, the woman can be pressed closely to the partner and bowing his feet.
A very exciting position, where the woman feels the throbbing penis and vagina man muscle movements.

*** *** ***

Having sex enriches a person not only emotionally, but also spiritually. Sex helps to forget about the disease, about the failure. He heals us from depression and insomnia.
The concept of sex did not initially involves prohibitions and taboos, like any other skill. After two want to be together, they want to please each other, they want to bring happiness to each other.

Partner near you, and you are not alone in this exciting game.
You need to overcome yourself and keep in bed as slag. Only these women succeed in love!
Any complexes!
Nor any bans!

Sofia Kazhdan

Tags: sex