High heels - the way to flat feet and varicose veins

 Convince young girls, and many adults fashionistas stop wearing high-heeled boots - a hopeless task. But warn them of the possible consequences of constant wearing such shoes is our duty. Help us in this phlebologist, MD Vadim richer.

"In fact, many times to talk and write about what fashion and health sometimes come together in a contradiction. As for problems with venous insufficiency, then there are often just a teenager.

And it concerns not only the shoe. Not very well from childhood to wear tight clothes, all that tightens, pulls, pulls and peredavlivaet on some sections of the vein. As for shoes, in order to keep high-heeled shoes, a large calf muscle tension, that is more than 5 inches heel, studs, platform and these models are simply not physiological.

Parents should monitor the status of the child's feet, because often varicose legs and chronic venous insufficiency "walk" near the flat-footed. This occurs because as soon as the foot becomes flat, a redistribution of blood occurs. The blood is pumped out somewhere at the foot begins to be pumped in this case on the veins of the whole foot, and already there is the so-called venous crown.

Vienna feet swell just like a stone of Atlantis in St. Petersburg, and it is already formed varices. Perhaps many young fashionistas will convince you that the majority of their idols - professional photo model -there chronic venous insufficiency, and shoes with heels "played" in this important role. "

Elena Ivanova

Tags: heel, flat