General cleaning of the body

 How often do we think about how much extra and unnecessary things in our life? On a periodic basis, we try to get rid of excess. Our body is in this sense not much different from our apartment. And it is also necessary uborka- regular cleansing.

Each of us are familiar with the state when you want to finally get down to business, and ... to change your hairstyle, make repairs, take the
diet - but you never know plans to restore order in their lives occurs in a woman?
How many times we would make a promise that "Monday" will run in the morning, eat right, and finally close look at the concept of "healthy lifestyle"?

In this "Monday" may well be in SeptemberWhen the air is still teplly, gentle sun, and all around - an abundance of fruits and vegetables - faithful helpers in the difficult task to preserve the beauty and health.

Methods of cleansing the body

"If the body is not cleaned, the longer you will feed it, the more it will hurt". These are the words the father of medicine - Hippocrates.

The procedure for purification of the body is the basis of any process improvement: fasting, separate meals, hatha yoga ... Russian bath and lean table- also not that other, as a way to rid the body of toxins.

By cleansing can not start immediately. Much depends on proper training, which helps the body to adapt to the kind of stress as a result of various treatments toxic metabolic products will flow into the blood.

Preparatory unloading

To start the body need to "unload". And so for some time will have to almost completely give up meat, fish and dairy products. And if they have them, very small portions.
The main food in this period should be fruits and vegetables, juices and nuts.

A few days on watermelon diet - exactly what you need. If it is difficult to endure, you can supplement menu bread from wheat flour. Incidentally, watermelon and melon juice not only acts on the intestine, but also activates the kidneys and liver.

Do not forget about the fresh juices and herbal teas. They "help" slags off the body. You can drink the spring water or melted.

As a kind of brush during this period carry raw vegetables and bran cereal. They nourish the intestines, and is removed from its walls adherent education.

During preparation for the purification of any good activity: gymnastics, running, dancing - all that like, the main thing - to move more.

In parallel with the warm-up procedures are carried out diet. Experts recommend taking a hot bath for 20-30 minutes during the week, even better - take a steam bath in a day. But the sauna should be deleted: dry heat - not something that will now benefit the body.

The need for consistency

Cleanse the body in a specific pattern. First, purified intestine, liver and kidney and then, and then - the body fluid. Before proceeding to the actual cleansing, would be nice to explore different methods and choose the most suitable for you.

The easiest way to use laxatives or diuretics. This method is simple and does not require any costly. But it is good only in emergencies and only for a short time. Otherwise, even herbal teas such a direction that most people think it is harmless, you can hurt yourself.

For a long time, you can take drugs that help eliminate toxins and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But this should be done only after consulting gastroenterologist.

Procedures and wellness

In the beauty salon or wellness center offerslymphatic drainage, wrap, mud, massage- In short, a set of procedures designed to cleanse and relieve the body. A 45-minute massage and dry heat can cleanse the skin and relieve the kidneys.

Effective option purification also believehydrocolonotherapy. She holds a doctor using a special apparatus. Deep intestinal lavage takes about 45 minutes. Through the intestine during this time goes 50-60 liters of water. Intestine thus cleared completely.

In recent years become increasingly popularnutritional supplements. They are designed to balance the diet and normalize metabolism. But only if they are qualitative. Remember that there is always a risk of hitting a fake. Therefore, if you still choose supplements, gather as much information about the drug you want to buy.

Do not hurry, do not try to do everything at once. Gradual change is always better than a sudden stress. Organism - a complex system with their secrets, many problems he can handle himself, and your task - to help him. Well, if the cleansing will be for you not a single action, a first step toward changing attitudes towards yourself and your body.

Anna Kupriy

Tags: body, cleaning