Four myths about cosmetics

 They say that modern man thinking rationally ten percent, and the rest, inherited from a succession of ancestors - the mythological thinking. And in ninety percent of cases, we believe it or not believe, not to ponder and weigh. It has long been studied and used a large machine business.  

And most of these myths used in advertising aimed at women. Probably - it machismo developers, they think that they are dealing with creatures maloratsionalnymi unpredictable and subject to emotional outbursts.

So, the most popular advertising moves that are bought by women ...

1. "Power" for hair
"The new hair shampoo - nourishes from the roots to the tips! »

Nutrition for hair - it's not us, it's a Medusa. Ordinary people hairs consist of dead keratinized cells (the same way as the nails). And feed them meaningless. The proof is simple: if the cell is alive, it suited the blood vessels. Who of us during haircut was bleeding from her hair?

Hair resembles a fir cone - lots and lots of bonded ends scales. If they are tightly pressed against each other, hair shiny and pleasing to the eye, if fluffed - opposite picture. Propensity to such "fluffing" depends on the properties of the "tree" -organizma (congenital predisposition, nutrition) and how to treat hair.

If hair too often wash fatty film (in the scalp also has sebaceous glands), permanently dry the hair dryer, the damage is inevitable. Then it's time to "nutrient" means hair, which, of course, did not nourish.

2. Emphasis on scientific words
"Night regenerating cream with coenzyme Q10»

Blondes are divided into two categories - some have stayed after school diary with deuces and aversion to science, others are also two, but the science they admire. On the last and designed numerous scientific words like "protein", "chitosan" "keratin", "coenzymes".

Just remember chewing gum with carbamide. Well, a lot of fans would find chew "Dirol" with urea? And then - just a synonym, and the effect is! It is the same with other highly scientific words. For instance, Proteins - the same as that of proteins and coenzymes - no more than a commonplace vitamins.

3. Emphasis on natural
"Natural cosmetics for your skin's health"

This myth is designed for those who have an aversion to science in general and to the new technologies, in particular. Striving back to nature, these citizens are taught yoga asanas and switch to raw food. And the food is considered to be better than less when it is growing use of the achievements of civilization. Closer to the roots, in a word.

Such people are advertising attracts the words "natural", "natural", "natural", and they both are happy to reach for the labeled jars cherished labels. For the "silk extract" sounds any better than iso-propane-butanol, right?

With aversion to complex chemical formulas is clear - a deep and indelible mark on the school. Advanced amateurs natural not particularly concerned that all of these "natural compounds" are also called chemical nomenclature formulas on three lines. Yes, and the degree of safety of substances not their natural determined. An illustrative example: the poison pale toadstool - nothing artificial and confusing?

4. Check the experts
"98% effectiveness - proved by the results of clinical trials involving 40 (-60-80) women."

In advertising of cosmetic products is often a phrase like "98% effectiveness - proved". Sometimes there is a more or less honest addition: "According to the results of the clinical test involving 40 (-60-80) women."

They do not lie. Indeed, testing of subjects exists when taken between 20 and 100 - the so-called first test in humans. Use it to check whether the novelty of some of bad side effects. But to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug, this study does not help. To find out whether wrinkle cream smoothes and improves complexion whether, volunteers must be at least ten times more. So for these interest in advertising to pay attention not worth it.

And about testing. It has become fashionable to write that "we are compassionate, do not torture animals and do not check them new cosmetic products." Immediately comes to mind an anecdote about vegetarians: "Vegetarians do not eat meat, not because they love animals - they just hate plants." Also here. If not test on animals, then eventually the novelty will be tested on humans. Any experiments in vitro (cell culture) can replace experiments in vivo (in vivo). And then the question: who has more pity - mouse, rabbit or human?

The point is not to stop using makeup advertised in the end, it's stupid. Just do not extremes. Sellers and buyers of cosmetics entirely different purpose: our - look beautiful, they are - to make money. To do this, when promoting a product and use various advertising courses, designed for naive buyer. However, outright deception are not usually found ...

Practical recommendations to counter the advertising mythology contain anything original. Just reaching for the bottle of shampoo, ask yourself - why is this? Because the TV fashion model beautiful thick mane shaking? Because shampoo "lipids" (the fat)? Or for some other reason?

Tags: cosmetics, myth