Cosmetic kitchen (part 2)

Today we continue the story of all kinds of home-cooked preparations for the care of skin and hair. The heroes of this article will be apples, bananas, tea and aloe vera (aloe or simply a home). As you can see - nothing exotic! No avocado masks and lotions from papaya and rose petals! You can take care of herself and with the help of what is in each house.

Do you know what the most popular fruit in the world? Oddly enough - the most ordinary apple. It was his most people prefer bananas, oranges, kiwi fruit and other exotics. Despite its apparent simplicity, there is in this humble fruit is something mystical. Not casually played apple, for example, an important role in the history of the expulsion from Paradise of Adam and Eve. And what about the handsome Greek apple of Paris, which caused the Trojan War! If we turn to the many tales to mind immediately come stories about rejuvenating the bullseye and beauties, bites poisoned apple and falls asleep dead sleep. So, let's take a look at the familiar childhood fruit in new ways and find some original recipes. However, you are mistaken if you think that we are going to remember the apple compote and apple pie. Our advice does not have the culinary arts irrelevant.

By the way, how much do you think there are varieties of apples? Tense memory and count - Antonivka, Semirenko, White filling, Melba. You may recall a couple more, but certainly will not be able to list all ... 10,000 varieties. That's the number of varieties, there are now in the world. What kind of apples just does not happen - red and green, large, and very tiny, sweet and sour. But they all share one thing - a huge amount of nutrients that are contained in them. This pectin, and organic acids, and essential oils, and volatile, and in addition, vitamins C and B-carotene and about 30 micronutrients. So of course, the more apples you eat, the better.
But at least they are useful for skin care. Try one of our recipes and you'll see for yourself.

Toning mask for all skin types
Rub on a small grater one medium-sized apple. The resulting slurry was put on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Rejuvenating mask for all skin types
Gruel of grated apple halves lower in 40-50 ml of boiling cream, boil for 2-3 minutes, and then allow the mixture to stand and cool for 30 minutes. Apply on face for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Refreshing mask for normal skin
It grated on a fine grater apple, add one teaspoon of sour cream and starch, and apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.

Soothing mask for dry skin
Gruel of grated apple halves, mix with two teaspoons of cottage cheese, one egg yolk and one teaspoon of camphor oil. The mixture was put on face and wash off after 15-20 minutes with lukewarm water, then rinse with cold.

Nourishing mask for dry skin
Rub on a small grater small apple, add a teaspoon of honey, egg yolk, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon. The resulting mixture was put on face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Dries mask for oily skin
Small grated apple mixed with egg white. Apply on face and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Vitamin mask - a cocktail for all skin types
Mix the paste of grated apple and carrot on a fine grater or cucumber. This mask perfectly tones the skin, improving the complexion.

So, we continue to replenish your collection of home beauty recipes. The next step is everyone's favorite - banana.

Banana is one of the oldest cultivated tropical plants. There are more than 60 of his species, many of which are used for industrial purposes, as well as feed or ornamental plants. However, we will talk about our usual fruit, which in recent years has become one of Russia's most popular, affordable, and most importantly, cheap.

The fact that he perfectly satisfies the appetite, know, probably all. Few realize that in doing so he also useful due to the content of fiber, protein, potassium, pro-vitamin A and vitamin C, B, and E. And certainly, few people know that the banana can even ... cheer up. It owes a special substance that acts on us as light antidepressants. However, this fact has not yet received a final scientific evidence, but the main thing - to believe in it, and then the mood from eating a banana will certainly improve.
Rating banana in cosmetics, home yet not so large, such as lemon or apple. However, thanks to its emollient properties banana pulp is used for all kinds of masks for different skin types.

Peeled banana for their preparation easiest mash with a fork. To facilitate this task, it should be as mature, soft and, incidentally, is not very large.

Mask for normal and dry and aging skin

1 banana
1 teaspoon of milk or cream
Mix mashed banana with milk or cream until smooth slurry. Apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This mask is especially helpful for dry skin and has excellent moisturizing, smoothing and softening action. Mask is best applied daily or every other day for 20 days.

1 banana
1 teaspoon of sour cream
To the mashed banana, add the yolk and sour cream. The resulting mixture was put on face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask is ideal for dry aging skin. It can be done 2-3 times per week (full course should include about 20 procedures).

1 banana
1 teaspoon honey
Mix the banana with liquid honey and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. This mask is recommended for normal to dry skin. However, be careful (especially if you have sensitive skin): honey quite often there is an allergy.

Mask for oily skin

1 banana
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Dilute banana pulp with lemon juice, apply on face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Recommended course of 20 masks, provided that you will do them no less frequently than every other day.

1 banana
egg white
To the mashed banana, add a little whipped protein, apply the mixture on the face, and after 20 minutes rinse with warm water. This is - one of the variants of classical protein mask that helps to narrow pores and removes excessive oiliness of the skin. However, due to the banana she also has soothing and nourishing properties.

What do you usually wear a beautician? Most likely, lipstick, powder, mascara, a tube of cream and a bottle of perfume. So, it is suggested to add to this standard set of ... tea bags.

The history of tea began in China in the IV century BC. After nearly twenty centuries (in the XVI century), and he came to Europe, and even a hundred years later appeared in Russia. However, tea - is not only a drink which does not manage Russian Samovar tea with traditional English five o'clock and old Japanese tea ceremony. In addition to all these achievements, tea is known and its use in cosmetics. Due to the huge amount of content of microelements, vitamins and other nutrients, it has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Perhaps the most popular use of tea to relieve fatigue and inflammation of the eye. And the phrase of tea bags in the beautician was not a joke. This is really a great way to "first aid" to the eye at any time. This is true, for example, if your eyes are red and inflamed after a long sitting in front of a computer or stay in the sun without sunglasses. To compress the optic enough to douse two sachets of tea with boiling water, cool them for 5-10 minutes and put on the eye. It goes without saying that the eye make-up must first be removed. We guarantee that after such a rapid procedure, you will see the world with different eyes!
By the way all of our recipes recommend using natural black tea without aromatic and flavor additives. They tend to have an artificial origin and may cause allergic reactions.

Eye compress
Brew strong tea, give him a little brew and cool. Moisten a cotton swab two in tea and put them on your eyes. Keep them for 5-10 minutes. You can make a poultice, and using tea bags. It perfectly removes redness, fatigue and eye inflammation, reduces puffiness and circles.

Ice tea
Strong brewed tea and filtered pour molds for ice. Such pieces of ice tea can wipe the skin morning and evening. This is an excellent tonic and refreshing agent.

Toning Lotion
If you are too lazy to bother with the manufacture of ice instead of washing every day can wipe the skin with a cotton swab moistened in a strong freshly tea. It is also perfectly tones the skin and is especially recommended for aging skin. By the way, the same way you can give the skin a dark shade.

Lotion for oily skin "Tea with Lemon"
If two tablespoons strong tea add one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, you get a beautiful pores lotion for oily skin. This amount of lotion you enough for 1-2 applications.

Honey-tea lotion
Two tablespoons of honey dissolved in two tablespoons of strong tea. Use a cotton swab to put the resulting mixture on the face and wash off after 10-15 minutes with cool water. This amount will be enough for 2-3 treatments that can be done on a daily basis. They perfectly soften dry and flabby skin. However, discard them if you are allergic to honey.

Soothing poultice for skin
Tea is an excellent sedative and sunburn. To do this you need to put the burnt places cloth or gauze soaked in strong brewed tea. Duration of treatment should be at least 20 minutes every 3-4 hours and it should be repeated. These compresses well relieve pain and soothe inflamed skin.

Tint Hair Care
2-3 tablespoons of tea, boil for 15-20 minutes in a glass of water and let it brew. Apply a decoction on the hair and comb them evenly. This is a great way to give your hair a light red-brown color, which will last until the next shampooing.

A means to strengthen the hair
If your hair began to fall out, and their growth has slowed down, try a simple folk remedy for hair strengthening. To do this within 10 days of daily rub into the scalp a strong tea. Perhaps this tool can help you better than any expensive lotions!

Picture One: stony desert in South Africa and powerful trees with fleshy bright green leaves. Picture two: the usual home window sill with a dull and bored agave, which my mother for some reason does not allow the throw. And finally, the third picture: cosmetics department with a bunch of jars and vials, in the list of ingredients which have two mysterious word "aloe vera". What unites these different pictures? Evergreen tropical plant called aloe.

The history of the aloe man has dozens of centuries. In Ancient Egypt, the resulting juice from it, doctors used to treat wounds, and Cleopatra and other Egyptian beauty added to your makeup. Over the years, people have discovered more and more precious properties of aloe. It turned out that he has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, contains vitamins E, C and B, as well as almost all the major minerals and essential amino acids. The list of his achievements is so huge that perhaps it is difficult to find an area of medicine where would not use the drug based on it.

Incidentally, aloe can be found almost anywhere in the world. It is grown in the open air (for example, industrial plantations in Central America), in closed greenhouses and in pots on the windowsill.

In cosmetics, aloe is used for a long time and is very active. Moreover, it is suitable for skin care and hair of almost any type.

Aloe and skin care
Dry and normal skin - moisturizes, softens and protects
Oily and problem skin - cleanses and reduces inflammation
Sensitive skin - relieves stress and irritation
Fading skin - increases the elasticity and accelerates cell regeneration

Aloe and hair problems
Hair loss - strengthens the roots, promotes growth
Oily dandruff - remove it normalizes oiliness of the scalp
Over-dried and bleached hair - Improves firmness and elasticity

If you decide to do your home cooking cosmetics with aloe, absolutely no reason to go for it in Africa or America. Enough to have a house with a pot of agave. By the way, as a kind of room aloe called for a rare and irregular flowering and unpretentiousness.

To the effectiveness of your home procedures was maximum, you must bring aloe biostimulirovanny look. To do this, cut the leaves washed and wrapped in a towel or cloth for a few days is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In such adverse conditions for it begins to produce aloe special substances - biostimulants, exciting activity of cells.

For cosmetic lotions, masks and can be used as the juice obtained from aloe leaves, and the slurry of them. Quickly crush the leaves, you can use a meat grinder or food processor, and then, using cheesecloth to squeeze out the juice from them.

Hydrating mask for dry and aging skin

2 teaspoons of aloe juice
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons sour cream
Mix all the ingredients and using a broad brush for example, make-up) apply the mask on your face. After a few minutes apply a second coat. Once the mask is completely dry (20-30 min), wash it with cold water.

2 teaspoons of aloe juice
3 teaspoons honey
Honey is a little warm up and mix with the juice of aloe. With a brush apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes with water. For maximum efficiency, it is necessary to make such a mask 2-3 times a week for a month.

1 teaspoon of aloe juice
1 teaspoon of fat cream
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply on face with a brush. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily and problem skin

2 teaspoons of aloe juice
1 protein
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Mix all ingredients and apply on face with a brush. Once the first coat is dry, apply the next, and so on. E., Until the whole mixture is completed. When the last layer dries, wash off the mask with cold water.

3-4 teaspoons of pulp of aloe leaves
Apply gruel on face for 15-20 minutes, resting on top of cloth or gauze. Then rinse with cold water. This mask is desirable to use at least 20-25 times a week - every day, then every other day.

Remedy for hair loss and dandruff
2-3 teaspoons of aloe juice
A few hours before washing rub aloe juice into the scalp. Then wash your hair. Repeat this procedure before every wash head for 2 months.

Means for dry and damaged hair
1 teaspoon of aloe juice
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon of castor or burdock oil
Mix all ingredients and rub into the scalp for 30-40 minutes before shampooing. Then rinse thoroughly. This mask is desirable to 1-2 times a week.

On what citrus can be used in skin care and hair care, read the article "Cosmetic kitchen (Part 1)"

Author: Elena Chernyshev
