Bodycare - step to the nature

 With the onset of cold weather or with the arrival of the first heat, protecting yourself from severe frosts or exposure to solar rays, women do not stop to look for methods to protect and nourish the skin. But how many centuries ago - the right decisions today often prompts nature. And comes to the rescue bodycare based on: extracts of herbs and roots, essences and extracts of vegetable origin, fitogarmonah and vitamins.

In category Beauty: Hair Highlights

Estheticians world, based on the experience of the ancient treatises on the use of medicinal plants create their works subsequently providing an invaluable service to those who seek to preserve youth and beauty.

"Phyto" translated plant

The main difference is its phyto vegetable origin. This is primarily cosmetic quality, consisting of not less than 70% of the herbal extracts and natural components, each of which performs a specific function. So for example nourishes and have a stimulating effect drawing and extracts, and natural additives and fragrances attach thin inimitable flavor. Part of the phyto and preservatives, thanks to which its components are not populated by microscopic fungi and bacteria.

Themselves plants that are part of phytocosmetics tools can work wonders. Their properties found our ancestors and used as:

· Soothing and calming improves skin elasticity - shea butter and corn oil
· Cleans the skin - Lemon
· Bleach -ogurechny juice
· Tonic - sweet clover, ivy, St. John's wort, ginseng
· Diuretic -mayoran, sage, burdock, rosemary
· Anti-cellulite -konsky chestnut
· Antioxidants - rosemary, burdock,
· Stimulant -rozmarin, marjoram, sage, arnica.
· "Mobilizer" fat - fucus vezikulozus
· Moisturizer - rosemary
· Strengthening sredstvo- hops, St. John's wort, ginseng
· Restoring sredstvo- St. John's wort, ginseng, arnica
· Bactericidal and imunostimuliruyuschee sredstvo- cypress oil
· Relieves dryness and irritation - parsley, chamomile, calendula.

Nature + Science = opportunities of the 21st century

Contribute to the emergence of new products and phytocosmetics modern technique allows to apply the study of the properties of plants. And scientists found in fruits, leaves and flowers citrus bioflavonoids believe a revolution in the world of cosmetology. Rank their efficiency and ability to provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect vitaminizing.

With their help normalize the protein and fat metabolism, prevents premature aging, maintain a healthy skin. Bioflavonoids, non-allergic and non-toxic.

Also among the new products include Fruitapone - herbal extracts that improve skin elasticity. They are full of ceramides and enzymes, vitamins, and α and β gidksidnymi acids that stimulates the use of skin metabolism.

Active ingredients

A distinctive feature of phyto is not only its natural basis, but harmoniously combined active ingredients. With that action, or other components of the cosmetic product, increases by the introduction of the products of biotechnology: polysaccharides, enzymes, vitamins, protein hydrolysates, which leads to the activation of its own restorative and protective functions of the skin. All of this is the concept of modern phyto and is its distinguishing feature.

Modern production

Not limited to the combination of natural ingredients, and science and technology is the production of a full cycle of works that start with blanks plants, selection of components and creating recipes and is finalizing the design and production of products. There certainly is combined experience, passed down from generation to generation, and modern scientific innovations in the field of medicine, biology, and chemistry. And due to the fact that useful substances are produced and accumulated in certain time periods, and their collection preform produced in a strictly preset time. Shared use natural substances in plants are also different from each other. So for example are used in the production of phyto:

· Listya- bearberry, cranberries, plantain, lily of the valley;
· Kornevischa- sorrel, valerian, sweet;
· Flowers - immortelle, tansy, chamomile, hawthorn, linden
· Plody- juniper, wild strawberries, blueberries, wild rose, raspberry, cranberry.

Before the production of cosmetics all the components of phyto-funds are subject to extensive research and tested on irritating action (dermatological safety) and allergens.

Bodycare can make at home. Fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs: Present and frayed can be the basis of compresses, masks and decoctions with no preservatives or chemical additives. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the use of such tools is necessary at the moment of production.


For many years the leading manufacturers of phyto considered such companies as: Apotekker Scheller, Darphin, Ives Rocher, Lierac, Styx. Their products are known to customers and therefore does not require advertising.
Newcomers to the wound of natural cosmetics can be called Italian manufacturers and particularly stands out from among them cosmetics company Belnatur.

Company name speaks for itself and is translated as "beauty of nature", and the constituent parts are the gifts of nature and the deep sea.

Also of interest, and domestic producers: "Black Pearl", "Linda", "Karina", "Clean Line". Their bodycare made according to ancient recipes based on local herbs and plants to which we are most adapted. She quality and affordable to many.


Adequately understood bodycare conditional, as called phytocosmetics means any cosmetic product can be composed of vegetable ingredients. From this it follows that almost all cosmetic manufacturers can use this fashionable term for their products. And so when you buy should pay attention to the recommendations of cosmetologists and personal properties of the skin.

Author: Alice Romanova

Tags: nature, meeting, bodycare