Aromakosmetiks - gifts generous nature

 Women of our time have become much more educated in terms of the choice of cosmetics. Everyone understands that the cosmetics, which is sold in stores, even if it is not even classified as mass market, contains in its structure a solid chemistry: different flavors, colors, preservatives. It is clear that any good they do not bring our skin. The same applies to shampoos: they contain such aggressive cleaners that along with the dirt and dust shampoo thoroughly washes and skin's natural defenses - sebum. As a result, there is an infringement of acid-base balance. Some shampoos contain very harmful chemicals that are dangerous to human health. Of course, if it is good to understand this question and look at the composition of cosmetics that buy, you can choose the appropriate options. However, more and more women prefer to buy Aromakosmetiks. What is Aromakosmetiks? Read in the women's online magazine JustLady. 

Aromakosmetiks - It is cosmetics based on Phyto. These natural gifts and useful plants, which help to care for the skin and hair without causing them any harm. Moreover, every woman can create your own creams or shampoos, buying ready-made base. It's so exciting and interesting! And what to say about the benefits of ... Essential oils are able to fix any problems with the skin and hair. However, if identified and eliminated the causes of violations. That is, buy Aromakosmetiks, hoping to heal itself from excessive oily skin or acne, not to identify and eliminate the cause, it makes no sense. Remember that the skin condition - a measure of internal health, and therefore treat the skin should start from the inside, and then engage themselves violations.

What causes skin problems

• Hormonal imbalances;
• Smoking;
• Medication;
• Stress and neurosis;
• Poor diet, lack of vitamins;
• Allergies;
• Cosmetics with synthetic substances;
• exhausting work.

Identifying and removing the cause, you can do the treatment of the skin with essential oils. You are free to do Aromakosmetiks by examining the properties of essential oils, and selecting those that are best suited to your skin type. With the basic and essential oils you can cook natural creams and masks, care for skin and hair. Also sold ready-base - that is a mixture in which you can add the oil in its sole discretion. This is not only useful but also very interesting!

Aromakosmetiks - gifts generous nature

Aromakosmetiks for dry skin

Dry skin needs extra nutrition and care, because the sebaceous glands produce enough of grease. Dry skin need to nourish and moisturize daily to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, which, unfortunately, dry skin appear very early. The best way to do this -Aromakosmetiks with essential oils and carriers suitable for this type of skin. Journal JustLady recommends the following oils:

• Basic: jojoba, sweet almond, primrose, avocado, peach seed, apricot kernels. If you are doing a natural cream, you will be useful to have in your arsenal sklyanochek with fragrant oils oil ordinary wheat (it is added to the mixture, so that they last longer).

• Essential: jasmine, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, neroli, ylang-ylang, wild carrot, Styrax benzoin.

Aromakosmetiks for oily skin

If you have oily skin, acne, spots, clogged pores, you recommendedAromakosmetiks in such oils:
• Basic: carrot, primrose, peach seed, apricot kernels, sweet almond;
• Essential: frankincense, geranium, bergamot, juniper, lemon, cypress, cedar Atlas, ylang-ylang, rosemary, orange.

Also for oily facial skin useful mask based on clay, which is perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores. For example, a remarkable effect has this mask: 1 tbsp + 1 tsp clay honey 1 tsp + water + 1 tsp lemon juice 1 + k. + 1 to the cypress. juniper. Remember that masks are not applied to the area around the eyes. But do not think that oily skin does not need the nutrition and hydration - the more you will degrease it, the more work the sebaceous glands. So do not forget to regularly moisturize the skin type of fat.

Aromakosmetiks for normal skin

Few women can boast that they have normal skin: moisturizing, even, smooth, clean. This skin - a true gift of nature, because most of us have to really, really try to make it so. For normal skin oils recommended the following:

• Basic: carrot, evening primrose, jojoba, peach seed, apricot kernels, sweet almond.
• Essential: rose, neroli, geranium, frankincense, Roman chamomile, lavender.

Aromakosmetiks for mature skin

Mature skin needs extra care, nutrition and hydration. To restore skin elasticity, you can use the Phyto massage by which skin will look fresh and young. For aging skin oils recommended the following:

• Basic: jojoba, avocado, peach and apricot kernels, wheat ordinary;
• Essential: neroli, rose, clary, Roman chamomile, yarrow, frankincense, jasmine.

 Aromakosmetiks - A great opportunity to take care of skin, hair, nails and body by natural means. Nature is so generous to us, so why not take advantage of her gifts?

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: nature, gift