3 types of natural cosmetics for skin care in summer

 The world does not stand still and moving along with the planet. Including industry for the production of cosmetics is trying to improve every year. Produced means not only more effective action, but also with the original lineup. The best part is that experts are trying to include the basis for cosmetics as many natural ingredients such as wine, milk or honey. But without losing the possibility, you can make yourself makeup and match "pleasant and useful."

One of the exclusive innovations - Treatments using wine - the so-called wine bath or a special mask based on milk and honey - milk and honey mask.

Agree, an excellent method for the care "for themselves, beloved." And as the summer season is already in full swing, you can not stop, but rather to give full-time care of their own beauty.

I would like to first of all draw your attention to the native winter product - honey. It is this "sweet treat" as used in the winter cold, is an excellent remedy for skin care face and body, both in winter and summer.

Effect of honey masks, to be precise to speak, just "on the face." The skin becomes more elastic, slows down the aging process, the skin is getting enough nutrition and cleansing.

1. Honey cosmetics

 Honey Scrub and Mask

Try honey and milk cosmetics. Most appreciated it at the highest scale. For example, a body scrub of honey, herbs and sesame seeds will help cleanse the skin well, then you must apply the mask, which consists of honey plus orange juice (fresh squeezed sure!).

The result - a deep cleansing of the skin, stimulating circulation and positive effect on the muscles. During the procedure, as a bonus - a pleasant feeling.

 Honey Tonic

For washing can make "honey water". Take a glass of boiling water and stir it in 1 tablespoon of honey. Little works, but a great result. Now, every day at bedtime to wash first "honey tonic", and then wash it off with plain water.

Another recipe "toning mask" - a pinch of fresh herbs (chamomile, peppermint, plantain, dandelion leaves) good grind in a mortar and add 1 tablespoon of honey. The mixture is ready! The mask is applied for 20 minutes, then washed with warm water. Is an excellent nutritional means.

Honey cosmetics for pedicure

We now turn to the charming legs. To prepare them well for a pedicure, use a mixture of honey and milk. If the toes and lower leg massage well this composition, they will be well prepared for a pedicure.

2. Wine Cosmetics

 Wine Cosmetics Cellulite

French idea for our women - wine cosmetics. It is through the below recipe procedure can be carried out on the fight against cellulite. In two parts almond oil, add one part lemon and lime butter - 1/4, and three pieces of red wine and vodka. When you are ready, take a hard sponge and twice a day thoroughly rubbed into the skin.

 Hair care: wine conditioner

To have always been healthy hair shine, well combed and had no split ends, prepare a "life-giving" a mixture of hair.

In white wine put in equal proportions frayed chamomile, rosemary and marjoram. Then place the week brew.

When you rinse cooked ready, you can safely use it. To do this in a glass of warm water and a solution of 2 tablespoons of liqueur.

 For each type of skin - your wine

To make a face mask, it is important to choose a wine, depending on the type of skin. For example, suitable for dry skin or red sweet sweet wine with a moisturizing and toning effect.

If skin is oily - semi-dry white wine, which helps normalize water balance. Properties of white and red wines allow deep cleanse the skin of impurities act as a good scrub to remove old cells.

 Special wine recipe for skin cleansing

Perfect cleansing for oily skin can be made using a special bath. And you can cook it like this: 1/4 cup white wine is added to 100 g of boiling water, and, in addition, throw 10 g dried chamomile flowers and add 3 tablespoons of red wine.

When the mixture comes to a boil, lean over the steam pre-cover with a towel, and hang on as 10-15 minutes. It is desirable to hold wine bath once a week.

3. Milk cosmetics

 Milk bath for your skin

Milk bath can be done at home. This procedure is considered to be refined, especially if you add a few drops of essential oil. Milk is very positive effect on the skin, it becomes soft, smooth as silk.

 Milk also has the ability to relieve fatigue and stress. Therefore, milk baths are well on their feet before a pedicure. Only in this case milk mixed with rose water and add a few drops of mint and almond oil. This composition helps soften and moisturize the skin of the feet for further care.

 SPA procedures with milk

It is not surprising that this is possible. Just have to take a special bath kit - milk with oatmeal, almonds, nutmeg and cinnamon. These components act on the skin smyagchayusche. But rosemary, citrus, mint and thyme tone the skin. And that soul was singing, add rose petals.

After reading all these recipes natural cosmetics can say only one thing - naturalness, the result - soft skin and long memorable scent that will make your loved one just lose your head.

Tags: care, cosmetics