What to eat to avoid wrinkles?

 An effective way to keep youth - include in your diet are simple but very useful for skin products.

Vitamin A: for tone

Where found: carrots, tomatoes, milk, cheese, eggs, butter, liver, beef, lamb, fish oil.

WHY: When the body lacks vitamin A (retinol) and provitamin A (carotene), the skin becomes dry and rough. To make up for the lack of them, preferably 2 - 3 times a week included in the diet dish of beef or lamb, or once a week to take a teaspoon or a fish oil capsule.

Vitamin B: update

Where found: greens, beans, eggplant.

WHY: B vitamins moisturize the skin, thereby restores the skin tissue, heal wounds, rashes and cracks are.

Vitamin E: prolongs youth

Which contains nuts, vegetable oil, milk.

WHY: This vitamin is called the vitamin of youth. It helps the skin to assimilate vitamin A and keep useful properties. Especially need to lean on foods with vitamin E for those who have sensitive skin - exposed to allergies, sensitive to the pollution of the environment, the bright sun.

In order for it always had in the body, quite a couple of times a week, take one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Vitamin PP: to smooth skin

Where found: bread flour highest quality beans.

WHY: This vitamin helps to eliminate skin roughness, pimples and other minor troubles, making it smooth. But for this, it is desirable to use the products in which it is contained.

Vitamin C: for the elasticity

Where found: citrus, grapefruit, black currant, kiwi, spinach, seaweed, potatoes.

WHY: due to vitamin C forms collagen, which gives skin its firmness and elasticity and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. If the skin begins to sag or face appear red veins - it is a signal that the body lacks vitamin C.

Vitamin D: to moisturize

Where found: sea fish, seaweed, milk, eggs.

WHY: nourishes the skin, helps it to retain moisture.


Fresh juices and green tea - the most useful drink for the skin. In juices contain a set of necessary vitamins. A green tea helps maintain the tone, increases blood flow, sweating, cleans pores.

The skin needs to be protected from both inside and outside, so it is advisable to combine a balanced diet with vitamin-enriched cosmetics.

Natalia Anisimova

Tags: wrinkle