Read by wrinkles

 Sometimes, in order to determine a person's character, just enough to thoroughly look into his wrinkles. Has long been observed that the wrinkles on your face reflect the character of the people. These observations are on a par with the knowledge of medicine and formed the basis of physiognomy.  

Sometimes, in order to determine a person's character, just enough to thoroughly look into his wrinkles.
Has long been observed that the wrinkles on your face reflect the character of the people. These observations are on a par with the knowledge of medicine and formed the basis of physiognomy.
What temperamental person, the diversity of his facial expressions, the more work the small muscles of the face. Wrinkles - is a consequence of our emotional, residual effects of "mimetic activity", as well as facial expressions - an integral part of our nature, the wrinkles - clear evidence of our nature.
Muscles usually very accurately reflect the experiences of the person, his thoughts. No matter how people tried to restrain their emotions, muscle groups while working. This reaction is directly dependent on the type of nervous system, temperament. As a result - "speaking" marks spasms of mimic muscles and the ability to read a person like a book.
Even the young men and women on closer examination can be found even if thin, but the emerging wrinkles. To display them sufficiently, for example, human surprise, and then note the creases that were formed on his forehead. It wrinkles on the forehead, according to experts, are the most illustrative and typical of human nature.
If the person in front of you with a pronounced wrinkle across the forehead, then know that he has the luck "for life" and will be a reliable partner in any case. Such a person is prudent and good-natured.
But if such a crease formed by numerous small wrinkles, it is human tendency to gossip.
If a person has two small transverse wrinkles on the forehead, it gives it nature, tending to a dominant position, he likes to boss, to manage all around.
Three deep parallel lines which are very high for most hair roots, talk about dedication, prudence and sobriety of mind.
The same line, but in the middle of the forehead at a great distance from each other prominent intellectual, perhaps a creative person, scientist or researcher.
At the bottom of the forehead, above the eyebrows, these lines give "boring", grumpy and vindictive man.
If among the numerous parallel folds on the forehead can see the letter "Z" - in front of you adventurer.
If there is a fold, rising up from the nose and turns sharply over the right or left eyebrow, then in front of you - a creative person.
People who earn money brainwork and prone to deep reflection, meets one deep vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. But also issues such crease shy, humble nature, sometimes even just a boring person who lives in a measured, according to the rules and according to plan.
If the forehead in humans is low, it shows that it is constantly dumped problems that seem insurmountable to him.
Wrinkles same form small horizontal lines on the outer edge of the eyebrow, talk about the natural integrity and devotion.
Small horizontal wrinkles above the eyebrows - in people who wonder around.
Do aggressive people over the eyebrows appear two deep wrinkles at an acute angle to the brow.
We particularly nervous people except angular forehead wrinkles appear and small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and downward wrinkles around the mouth.
Pronounced creases running from the wings of the nose to the edges of the lips - a sign that the person is in front of you many times disappointing. And if the wrinkles are continuing and below the mouth, it speaks of physical suffering.
The so-called "crow's feet", radial wrinkles around the eyes may occur because people often squints, anything considering. If this is not the result of short-sightedness, the "crow's feet" indicate the nature curious, meticulous and sometimes even suspicious.
If radial wrinkles appear around the mouth in humans as beams, it is too shy and afraid of much in life.
Well, if you could not see any wrinkles on the face, "the test" you man, this may indicate that he is indifferent to almost everything that is happening around him and did not even bother to show any emotion.

Tags: wrinkle