How to grow eyebrows

How to grow eyebrows
 In fashion eyebrows natural width and color. If you once too fond of plucking and making them thin form or nature is not the owner of the bright vrazlet eyebrows, do not despair: you can grow eyebrows, knowing some simple tricks.

For the eyebrows should take care daily, thoroughly wash them with makeup. Excellent tool for removing makeup from the eyes of a special oil-based or gel. You can also use olive oil: moisten a cotton pad in water and slightly oiled, it is perfectly removes make-up and strengthens hair.


Also do not forget to comb his eyebrows every day special brush, it stimulates blood flow to the roots of existing hairs and awakens to new growth. Give your eyebrows massage oil: Apply to brush a bit of castor or burdock oil and massage them a few minutes. After a few weeks of your eyebrows grow back much! You can prepare a mixture of oils: almond, castor and burdock. She can be as combing his eyebrows every day, and put on 15 minutes in a heated state.


While taking a shower is easy to rub in a drop of eyebrows nourishing conditioner for hair - it will protect them from harmful influences and covered with a thin film, and to provide the necessary nutrition and hydration.


Have patience and forget for a while the tweezers. Has not regrown hair neatly dorisovyvat soft brown pencil strokes or other suitable your natural color, but do not pull out just appeared, even if no makeup they are knocked out of the series.

Tags: eyebrow