Face masks

 Excessive use of makeup, improper skin care, poor environment has on the skin a very negative impact on the skin pores get clogged, broken supply of oxygen and nutrients and as a result, the skin becomes pale, loses its elasticity, wrinkles begin to appear.

Problems with the skin can lead to despair any woman, because of the appearance depends on the mood, peace of mind and confidence in themselves and their abilities.

And if you have touched the problems with the skin, do not give up, because, with some effort, to return the person freshness, make skin supple, it is possible. And to help in this, a set of measures aimed at getting rid of the causes that led to the deterioration of the skin and proper care of it.

Proper skin care is able to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, give it a healthy and youthful appearance. Skin Care consists of several steps: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishment. Face masks - One of the best cosmetic procedures to clean the skin, soothe and moisturize it. Face masks can be used as finished and prepared independently.

 Traditional recipes for face masks there is a large amount they are less effective than the finished cosmetic masks, besides, they have several advantages:

• natural composition and no preservatives;
• to prepare homemade face masks, used by many of the products that are in every home, so this method of facial care is very economical.

 Homemade face masksAs well as prepared, should be selected based on the type of skin and use in accordance with the recommendations.

 Face masks are nourishing, toning, tightens pores, healing. If you want to quickly refresh the face, you can cook tonic mask, improve oily skin mask to narrow pores and dry skin can cook nourishing mask.

Facial cleansing at home using home facial masks

 For cleaning use cleansing face mask. Typically, cleaning facials prepared on the basis of binders grease, dirt and effectively removes dead skin from the surface of the skin flakes. These substances include beeswax, lather, clay. Cleansing facials applied to the skin, and after complete drying, it is removed. As a result, improves skin color, cleaned pores, improves blood circulation. Such facials you can prepare yourself for the popular recipes. Do cleaning facials recommend once a week. Cleansing mask suitable for all skin types. Wash cleaning face mask Only warm water immediately after the procedure, a person must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Masks with the anti-inflammatory effect

This type of mask is for oily skin problems. They cleanse the skin of excess fat, tightens pores of the skin on the face and regulate the sebaceous glands. Masks have significant anti-inflammatory effect antimicrobial.

Masks for skin moisturizing and nourishing mask

 Homemade face masks with a moisturizing effect, improve the state of dry, sensitive and dehydrated skin. They restore the natural moisture balance of the skin, restore skin elasticity, making it softer.

Divide nourishing and moisturizing masks can only conditionally. Fruit and vegetable masks, for example, have a moisturizing and nourishing effect simultaneously. Nourishing and moisturizing properties are masks from dairy products, they nourish the skin, eliminate wrinkles on the face and provides the skin with essential vitamins and trace elements. Homemade moisturizing and nourishing mask you can do on a daily basis.

How to make a mask for the face

Before applying facials, The skin should be well cleaned. This can be done by peeling or steam bath for the face. Another way to prepare a person for the application of masks - to make a hot compress to the skin.

For applying the mask, you can use a brush, brush, sponge, or simply to put his hands. In order to Facial Mask was more effective, the person recommended to cover with warm, clean cloth or aluminum foil, making a pre-slit for the eyes and mouth ..

 Face masks vegetables, fruits, cereals and vegetables must be washed off the face of warm boiled water. To do this, use a cotton swab. For best results, the water can be acidified with citric acid or apple cider vinegar. Owners of sensitive dry skin, for removing the mask better prepare an infusion of herbs, broth hips or remove the mask swab dipped in milk or rather weak tea.
Moisturizers  facialsAnd a mask-based oils, cotton swab should be removed, it may be slightly wet or dry. Take off the mask must be very carefully, trying not to stretch the skin. After the mask is removed, the person should be wiped alcohol free lotion, herbal infusion or tea too strong, then lubricate the skin nourishing cream according to skin type face.

For the preparation of moisturizing and nourishing face masks use any seasonal fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to make a mask - a grind berries or vegetables and immediately apply the resulting slurry to the skin. If the mask is not too juicy fruits and vegetables, they can add a little milk. If on the contrary - Facial Mask turned too liquid, it is recommended to add a little flour. Also, fruit mask too liquid consistency, it is possible to do using the specially prepared piece of gauze, it is necessary to make cutouts for eyes and mouth. Necessary to moisten the gauze in the juice, a little squeeze it and apply on face. Still, you can simply wipe the face and neck juice. Very convenient to make a mask of fruits and vegetables, just sliced ​​rings.

If you regularly use homemade facial masksPositive results were not long in coming and the skin will shine, will be healthy and young.

Tags: mask