Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

 The autumn - a time when fashion again there is an opportunity to show their love relationship to the weaker sex, and to submit to the court their new collections of the season. Studying the work of designers, I realized one obvious thing - a woman can be quite compelling in a jacket! And fashion jackets 2009 - is a series of glorious, feminine decisions. At this time, the women's magazine JustLady offers trendy overview of all modern variations of the clothes in detail.

In the category Fashion: Fashion coats 2009

The main rule this fall - fashion is not that what we wear and how we wear it! Choosingfashion jackets 2009It is crucial to look spectacular and this can be achieved if we do not neglect additional accessories - belts, scarves, shawls and bags. In the fashion world are constant rearrangement, and if the summer was painted various shades of bright colors, the Fall 2009 in the color balance and calm. Fashionable colors of the fall season - black, chocolate, dark gray. And dilute dark tones every woman can, adding to outerwear bright, juicy accessories. Underestimate their importance can not, because to change the style and image of their power. For example, the classic elegance thanks to accessories, gets grotesque features.

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

Very relevant this autumn various shiny details on jackets - sequins, crystals, stones that look very beautiful and seductive. And rake autumn leaves in the park with your loved ones is much nicer when you such a jacket.

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

Become the most fashionable girl season can be, wearing, short black jacket while making contrasting glossy and matte top bottom. This is the most that neither is fashionable fashion - try to create an ensemble - just like you!

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

Despite the fashion trends this fall, creative solutions to build the image always remain relevant, and to create a rainbow mood on a cloudy day, bad weather can be easy with a bright clothing. Color print on the jacket - it's boring and defiant. A red dress and any of its shade keeps the rage full year 2009 and autumn is no exception!

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

Materialfashion jackets 2009 fashion designers offer very different. This can be leather, suede, fur jackets or trimmed with fur, light denim jacket or made of cotton.

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

The fur is always excites the imagination. Agree jacket with fur insert or completely fur collar looks very stylish.

Choosing among a variety offashion jackets 2009It should be remembered that this year, are in vogue broad shoulders - this detail helps make harmonious silhouette those ladies who have enough wide hips. Very fashionable again be short jackets, leather jackets with shoulder pads and cropped jackets pilots. Convenient hose, all kinds of metal zipper, instead of ordinary collar lapels.

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

Fashionable Jacket 2009 like asking a clean silhouette, grunge style displacing who burst onto the podium in 1994. Season 2009 - discreet and even laconic. Dark colors, accentuated shoulder line, large collars - every designer has found his focus in the strict theme this fall.

Yet some easy silhouette is not to everyone. Designers have not forgotten about the amateurs of volume and texture coats, the volume of which is achieved by full sleeves and a hood.

Fashion jackets jackets 2009 guidelines

The style of the early '90s, quiet colors, combined with a slight whiff of design creativity - these are the main strands of which are sewnfashion jackets 2009!

Yet the most important secret look good - it's an absolute sympathy for the woman looking at you in the mirror. A feeling of self - this begins with your own style. And feeling like, you can get great pleasure from the clothes wear. You will understand that success depends on how the individual items are combined with each other. Proper use of accessories, play on contrasts, mix patterns, combining clothes of different colors and styles to ensure that coexisted alongside the old with the new - all these subtleties stylistic art will be available for you. We need only to have a clear idea about yourself, and this is possible with an absolute love for the person.

You stylish autumn!

Shuvalov Eugene
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: jacket, a landmark