Extravagant clothes: Trends 2010

 We wear fashionable clothes to stand out from the crowd, but what to do when all the fashionable look? Fortunately, there are things that are put on, it is impossible not to draw attention to himself. Extravagant clothing has always been an integral part of the fashion world, it is at the experiment, innovation, attempts to combine incongruous things and colors to create entirely new images. Women's magazine Justlady presents an overview of the most daring and extravagant clothing summer 2010 season.

Outfits that look strange, provocative, always attracted to unusual people - poets, artists, and musicians. Created byextravagant clothingexternal image helps a person to reveal a wealth of creativity and contradictory inner world. However, the people around him have a different perception bright appearance: in the most democratic, unchained European countries is difficult to surprise anyone eccentricities of his costume, a more conservative unusually dressed man causes a storm of negative emotions. So it was in Soviet Russia, when those who indulged in an unusual hairstyle, a bright tie or shoes called "dudes", ridiculed and condemned at Komsomol meetings, in the press and on television. Fortunately, this period is long gone, though resolute conservatives there now.

Having to chooseextravagant clothing we often say to ourselves, "All sick of it! "I'm tired of business suits, jeans, shirt ... I want something bright, unique, impossible. But the very notion of the extraordinary cup all is relative. For example, in most countries of South America will be an unusual gray clothes, there are accustomed to calling colorful outfit. However, in most countries, adopted certain rules, the violation of which is perceived as something unusual, extraordinary. Due to the fact that the designer overcomes them, creating a bold experiment, collection, his clothes are particularly attracted to humans, causing, as a rule, or a very strong recognition or, conversely, denial.

To one of the most extravagant collection of clothing isYohji Yamamoto. Author unique and unusual outfits offering this year, shocking dresses and suits, carrying time stamps - frayed hems, tiny holes, turning into a shapeless terminating edge. Silhouettes that were fashionable at the beginning of the last century, faded cloth in small flower, slightly raised shoulders. A fundamentally different way - tight black and white costumes "stitched" rifle queue: round holes on the trousers, black circles with a slotted center on a T-shirt or shirt. A common theme of death and time, this collection has become the subject of much discussion and gossip.

Extravagant clothes: Trends 2010

Alexander McQueen always considered eccentric fashion designer. In his works, he sought not so much to emphasize a woman's beauty, but with the help of clothes to express their ideas and feelings. His 2010 collection makes a woman in a sea monster or a personification of the sea elements. Even in the choice of colors McQueen comes across to the general trend - because blue is considered to be timeless. Dresses from the collection of McQueen's not so easy to wear - three-dimensional shape of sleeves and skirts require accurate movements.

Extravagant clothes: Trends 2010

One of the most outstanding collectionsextravagant clothing by designerSonja Rykiel - Colorful outfits of Japanese silk jersey and tight style of the postwar years. Sonia combines elements of strict dress with pointed open or even vulgar: transparent trench coat or a suit that resembles a pair of pajamas. The highlight of the collection - little flat cap on the tape that is worn on the right or left side.

Extravagant clothes: Trends 2010

DesignerVivienne Westwood primarily known for the fact that punk style introduced to the world of high fashion, so this year's collection can be called a rather traditional for her. These works are named and impossible and extravagant: a variety of colors, prints, drawings, carelessly thrown clothes, torn stockings. Should pay particular attention to the wedding dress - perhaps a few dare to appear in the registry office in such an outfit, but really they are not threatened to get lost among brides!

Extravagant clothes: Trends 2010

Clothing ethno almost always perceived as extravagant, whether cloak Norse Valkyries or African loincloth.Wunderkind introduced this season collection - tour to exotic countries. In addition to non-standard forms, footwear and accessories in ethnic style is worth paying attention to the stunning color combinations: deep orange and dark gray, carmine and brown, white, red, spotted leopard skin. Such clothing looks quite different in terms of country, against the backdrop of nature and the natural tones of the fabric much more organic than artificial.

Extravagant clothes: Trends 2010

If you want to look inimitably in a particular situation or you just tired of the endless variations of the classic wardrobe, look for non-standard collection of clothes. However, you should always remember that between the extraordinary and intriguing vulgarity is only a step, and possibly less. In these clothes you will never be able to "blend in", most attention will be focused on you, but if you will be exactly the case when necessary, be bold and go for it!

 Maria Leo
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: clothes, style, suit, trend, extravagance