"Hope Springs": sex after 50

 For a couple of weeks before the main holiday of winter diluted in a New Year's raging movie theaters taken with the calling for this season called "Hope Springs." And who does not like Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones to justify those hopes.

Clever-wife Kay (Meryl Streep), which roasts in the morning bacon and eggs, and in the evening itself (!) Pours a glass of beer to his ever grumble husband Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones), after living together in '31 suddenly realizes that compatibility in this life is no longer enough. Their marriage resembles a silent and indifferent hostel with separate bedrooms, the order in which the meek and the old memory is trying to keep a woman. At the round and not the date they give each other without much pleasure washing machine or package of TV channels. In short, bytovuha, means instead of Babai frighten young couples, in the case of Kay and Arnold had long stormed the old feelings and firmly established in their home and outside it.

"Hope Springs": sex after 50

One day Kay cautiously decided to break accrued over the years of scab and trying to figure out whether it is possible to return the love back. Best friend, of course, says that marriage can not be saved (on it and best friend). Department of Family Psychology bookstore full of invalid characters for its age sexual perversions. However, a modest book "Hope Springs" psychoanalyst from Maine (Steve Carell) makes Kay pay as much as 4,000 dollars deferred for a rainy day (and what is not a rainy day?), For an intensive course of establishing relations with her beloved husband in the Maine. Say, after fifty people do not change?

"Hope Springs": sex after 50

Child-friendly and predictable plot, where each next step or lunge heroes viewer knows in advance, it touches its banality. It's an amazing feeling when sitting in the auditorium in the scenes of conversation with Kay and Arnold psychoanalyst, you feel omniscient doctor and at the same time, it turns him on the same couch. Whether your relationship at least 5 years, at least 35 patients corn rubbed same. In this sense, "Hope Springs" successful they are under pressure, despite the age characters Streep and Jones.

"Hope Springs": sex after 50

Directed by David Frankel ("The Devil Wears Prada») chose a very cunning strategy for the film, when the viewer wants it or not, but it will shift the story to their own lives. And march to the "Spring Break" in this sense should be a kind of white dance for girls. As the heroine of Meryl Streep, discharges from the cliffs of Troy former shyness and forced her husband to pass the psychological course, she should take the initiative in their hands and get to see your other half "another romantic comedy," if only for the wonderful cast. And he's here, though beautiful: one only wants to give Streep an Oscar for her role of each. Neither unsuspecting second half thus be involved at all in a romantic evening in front of screen and into a real therapy relationship (whatever they were). And it does not cost you in 4000 dollars, and the price of movie tickets. This intensive course and are "Spring relations" with all the levity of the genre.

Under the magnifying glass with the audience acting duo will have to burn formed blinders regarded as in a mirror, his behavior on the part of and plenty to think about how a variety of sex (yes, after 50 also have sex) affects the relationship, and Do not exaggerated its importance. Not once in the film recall a Chernyshevsky with his eternal question "Who is to blame? "And" what to do? "And once the response to them diametrically change. Will kindly funny, sometimes funny to sad, however, will need only laugh at themselves. But in the end will have to admit that the answer to any questions in relation timeless same eternal. Where there is love, there is hope.