East horoscope for 2007

 We already wrote about what next year will bring Pigs representatives of each of the zodiac signs. Today we tell how the animals of the Eastern calendar (and, correspondingly, born in the year of their people) protects fire boar.  

In general, the year of the Red Boar promises to be more peaceful and prosperous than the last. Because, in general, the heavenly symbol of 2007 - there are peaceful and friendly, also very generous. But the element of the year, oriental astrology, is the fire (hence the red color). A fire is known to be treated with extreme caution. Red Boar does not tolerate carelessness, vanity, arrogance, greed and lies. And, although it is difficult to anger those who would be able to do it, will not find it. But if people are to abide by all rules and regulations, 2007 could be the happiest in the first decade of the XXI century.

This year, the Boars all colors (except black - 1983), is not particularly straining, reached almost all dreamed about. Significantly improve the standard of living in the Cat and the Goat, Dog, Tiger and Horse will be able to take their rightful place in society and achieve success in the profession. Monkey, Rat and Dragon will be able to lay the foundation for future prosperity, Rooster and Ox more succeed in love and in perfect than in the material. But the serpent should take care of the stability of his position in 2007 to avoid any significant change.


In the new year, you'll get a lot of new and very attractive features. The main thing - to choose the path that will lead you to the most important to you "prize". This is the case when you can not be cautious and not cave in under the deceptive world - "let the better it will sag under you." Happiness in love and success in business you provided. In addition, it is likely literally from the sky will fall on you "wealth" - a very large sum of money or valuable property. Especially a few words for those born in 1983. The new year will be for you a very rapid: you will be able to survive as if reborn and start life anew. Do not get lost, do not take positions, but properly calculate the forces, while the final will be fine.


Dispose of the achievements of the outgoing year, stay in the shade, do not advertise their successes and provoke not know bragging, in general, be wary cause envy of others. This may cause you unnecessary problems. For you, this time, the accumulation of forces to jerk - because next year 2008 will be yours.


You will be a difficult year, but overall very good. The thing is that the result will not let you easily - will have to plow and plow. At some point, the WHO official duties may even seem overwhelming. Be brave. Excellence, to acquire new knowledge - it will ease your fate. And, although the barriers to financial success will occur, you will be able to overcome them. The work will be interesting and personal life - happy.


Things go up the hill: it is likely that you will improve in the new year in office, will add salary, in short, "began to respect." That labor in the pleasure and do not turn off the chosen path, though the temptations to do so will be many. Speaking of temptation. Avoid experiments in amorous affairs, casual dating and do not look for adventure. But with a trusted friend can make a heartfelt relationship official.


You finally will be able to create their house in order and comfort, which had long dreamed of, and gain personal happiness. Lonely cats find a decent couple, family reach agreement and consensus in the upbringing of children and addressing pressing issues. In general, all the passions subside, and peace and security are guaranteed. In the area of ​​special career change is not expected, but it is likely the emergence of a powerful friend and protector.


Your financial situation will improve dramatically. Your intellectual abilities and professional qualities will enable to increase what own. But do not get involved in dubious, though profitable enterprise, do not trust to manage their cash even loved ones and business partners. And do not allow yourself to any adventure and intrigue of any business or personal life. Success is possible only if you are moderately conservative and honest.


Prudence and wisdom will help to cope with small unpleasant problems. Do not rush to act, do not discuss with colleagues and loved ones its difficulties and joys and generally try to talk less - it is likely that your tongue will be in the new year your worst enemy. And if there is something you can not, do not try to get around obstacles and do not rush things: Wait, all of you will have. If not 2007, as follows.


Not the best time for love - your feelings are unlikely to be reciprocal, but will be able to create a spiritual union with worthy of your respect for the man. And that nice, Boar will help you fill up a purse, finally make a respectable and prestigious purchase, which you've always dreamed of. Do it in person, without the assistance and intermediaries.


New Year will bring you good luck in your career, but do not chase earnings, is much more important to strengthen his authority at work and in society. You will have a happy chance to use as a launching pad success of parents, spouse (s), supervisor - do not miss it. But proceed in good conscience. Learn to be grateful - you do not forgive cheating. For family Goats year will be happy, but if your heart is free, you are unlikely to encounter an object that deserves a large and bright feeling.


You will have no shortage of good friends and helpers, and if you love someone, be sure to be happy. It is likely that you have to choose between financial stability and interesting work. Be careful: the pursuit of a new post office may be now unprofitable and unreliable. And do not expect 2007 to his usual luck: Cabana annoying fussiness Monkeys, so you better be careful and posderzhannee.


Your income will gradually increase, but also work to be done. Moreover, production issues will be resolved slowly, heavily, will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, in 2007, venturing apartment renovation, construction cottages and other economic projects are not worth it. But if you do not get distracted by the improvement of life and romantic passion, and focus on career can, apart from the usual grains, find a real treasure, which will decorate your privacy.


Chances are good that the family - parents, brothers, sisters, children - will require much more of your attention and money than you were going to spend on it. Humble: amended its budget, change your vacation plans, but still be careful what to spend your money, do not let the tail twirl dogs. A career in a single step does not depart from their positions, and you will achieve what you want. Family dog ​​will spend this year quietly and lonely can find a couple.

Boar: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995
Rat: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
Cat (Rabbit): 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
Snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001
Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
Goat: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
Rooster: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

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